Yo everyone from 04S7b and 05S7b. This is our E-class Diary. All of us must make it as interesting as possible, ok? As the current CT rep., i shall have the honour to start writing first. So happy...muhaha. So, where should i start from? Hm...we have been together for about 7 days. These days were filled with so much joy and fun. I shall just highlight some events we have been through these days. So, many things happened lor, write few pages also cannot end. Ok, I shall try my best to write as many things as i can remember. We first met on Wednesday (5/1) after being divided into our Cts. At that time, I was feeling pretty nervous and excited. Don't know many of the people sitting around me...but luckily, Paul was there. Haha, so didn't feel that lonely afterall. Then, we went to meet our Civics Tutor,Mdm. Madihah and had an ice-breaker. Yeah yeah, that's also the time when i got appointed as the Ct rep. Haha, a historical moment for me... We also met our seniors. People who i remembered most clearly are Kailiang, Huangfang and many more. The person who left the deepest impression on me is... FOOnY! Don't know why also. But she looks so cute. Erm... yeah her spectacles also looks cute. Pink colour one. So cute. Okok, she's just cute lah. After these meetings and having games with our seniors, we had a series of other games. Got telematch, station games, mass dances, blah blah...Don't need to elaborate on them. However, there's something i must mention. o5S7B have strong perseverance and determination. I can still remember when we play the water volleyball (telematch), we cheered loudly even though we're losing. Then, in every games we play, we play as a team, work together, fight together. So proud to be in this class. We don't give up easily. Yeah, that's the spirit man. Keep it up guys! Still got what? Oh yeah, war games! Very fun also. "Athena SI....Ares SI...Artemis SI...tong tong SI...." and the "RApe Red Rape Red" cheers. I went starch pool twice and got myself all starched...But it was definitely a lifetime experience. Wah... i write so long already? Never mind, this one is only for the orientation week. Still got somemore to write. Everyone! Start BLOGGiNG NOW!