Hello and welcome to HEADLINES by KK

Current Affairs
Clash of the Blog Titans: Current score KK 2 Mong 1
PW sessions: Time for CT interviews or a free-for-all?
Gaining popularity of the Purple Tree and Floating Bubbles Clubs...Fear or Cheer?
OACians Return: Paul and Zi Yang crowned...
The Interest Returns: OACians reignited by Hike
Latest Crazes: Chapteh and Split Challenge
Cobwebs Abound: Class Blog cries for more Bloggers
Relaxed and Confident: Ms Keung faces the Firing Squad and Survives
SBS Fracas: Overpaid Bus Fares due to expired EZ Link Student Passes
HCI the Money Guzzler: Assistance Cases on the Rise
Class BBQ approaches ever closer
Presents n Cards Sold out: 05S7B hoards 4 Zi Ying
Heart Seizure Cases Increase: Really?
Bandage: Devoid of 05S7B in the Audience
05S7B Breeming with Leadership
*RUMOUR* Media Merger negotiations in its infancy stage

TV Recommendation: Gundam SEED Destiny
The highly rated sequel to the pulsating Gundam SEED anime series. A must watch for Gundam Fans. Now Showing in Japan. Only available through the Net.

Homework: Touched but never Completed
Lipids tutorial (MCQ by Thurs)
Maths Tutorial 2B Series and Sequences
GP Newsweek Journal
Physics Vectors Tutorial

Wait! Latest in from the News Room! Mong is too Tired today to Blog! How sad... :)

Thank you for tuning into today new HEADLINES....see you again soon