HELLLLO Everyone! Time 4 the next edition of the KK blog flash!

First n foremost, i'll like to welcome the latest bloggers on our class blog! They r... *drum roll*

Mdm Madihah N Ms Keung!!!!! *YAY!!!* Warm welcome to these tutors who took their time n effort to drop by n even leave a post!

Well today's entry will be a short one becos of there is no class activity! Class activities r so fun n there's lots to report 4 the benefit of those that didnt go! Anyway, all i'll like to say today is that i dropped by our grand seniors' blog page just now n WAH! I waz sure blown away by their design! I got to admit that its far better than ours... So much computer expertise involved leh... Jin Guan, jia you ok?

Eh Jin Guan, u very joker leh... put that red cap on top of Cheng Rong's head... :)

Anyway, i wonder why some of our class ppl go 4 early morning jogs leh... so early u noe... got to start running by 6.45 or else got no time to change n cool down... Why not go 4 evening runs huh?

OK OK... N that wraps up another edition of KK blog flash! cya everyone n work hard ok!