Hello all :)

Okay, after reading the post before mine, I shall try to post in standard English. But seriously, I don't really see the point :/ Blogs are places where people talk about how they feel, no? Must there really be rules? Hmms. This competition thing seems to be going abit too far. Just try to enjoy blogging! :) I loved posting pics on my class blog, and random silly useless comments :) Haha okay this is such a lame post. Anyhow, enjoy your weekend, and presenters for Bio (can't help it, must talk about Bio!) - please do a good job kay, so that everyone learns something and it's fruitful. Take pride in your work :)

Ah okay, let me just go on abit more about Bio. -Claps- for the essay presenters for water, good job! huanghao, please get transparencies from me tomorrow, anytime after 10am.. :) and write in point form okay? easier to read. write legibly too! pride in your work, once again.

Yups have a nice day! :)