hey hey!! haha today was really tiring...did court runs after school(was dreading it e whole day and week) and was SOO happy when it was over.. this is followed by soccer with Kezia, Pinyun, XinHui, Jona, Brian, HH , Ziyang , KK, Zi Jian and Peng Siang...lalala haha was pretty screwed up soccer coz well most of us weren't all tt good and i was kicking e ball into people instead of ard them oops heez...well the more i play e better i'll get i guess ...den we played captains ball! FINALLY smthg i understood wad was going on...was pretty lost during soccer...haha so all in all i was TIRED...jeez...

oh and wanna thank everyone who helped me in me bio! coz i din take and was hopelessly blur but thanks to some of u guys i could understand and catch up! yay! thanks people...tmr gonna haf class outing to airport...um dunno wad we gonna do there but hope we haf a great time yea! cya guys!!