Erm... do i really sound like i really like Foony? Haha, tomorrow is STJ (senior treat junior). Cool! A day for us to interact more with our seniors and understand them more. We're planning to go K-box and have dinner at Fish and Co. Can't wait for tomorrow to come...
The second week is ending. Time really flies when we're having fun. We really have LOTs of fun cause we are not having more than TWO lectures per day. Wow, imagine that. And, thus our class's favourite activity is "stoning". Haha, HoWeVeR, i said however, when i received the timetable today, I think we're still going to"stone". But we're now not stoning at our class bench or in the canteen but in the lecture theatres or classrooms. We're actually studying till 5.20 p.m. for Monday. Phew, that kills. It's such a huge contrast from our first and second week. SO, everyone pls perk up next week! Don't be caught "stoning" in lectures or tutorials next week!
Yeah, our class progressing quite fast. Seems to me that we've activities all day long...Too bad i cannot go for all of them. Must keep our bonds strong; cherish every moment together.
Oh yeah, actually, i should not claim credits for this fantastic blog. Cause, you know, my computer skills suck. Cannot even create my homepage. I think most, if not all credits should go towards Jin Guan, our IT. rep. What a good choice! Round of applause for him...*clap...clap*
Looking forward to tomorrow and next week. Jia you everyone!