The debate finally came. The motion " This house would make tobacco companies pay individuals for damaging their health" appears to be a biased statement when we first looked at it. Yeah, I thought it was challenging and impossible to think of any logical points for the proposition. I still think it is challenging, no doubt about that. However, as time goes by, we realize the motion is not that biased towards the opposition team afterall. This proves to me that there are no absolute statements in this world and that there are always two sides of the picture in everything. Furthermore, I learn that hard work does pay off in a debate competition. All the researching, rehearsing and the mock debate indeed made us more prepared for the actual competition. Personally, the debate was more successful than I expected. At least, we do have possible points for our case and relatively strong rebuttals against the points brought up by the opposition. Everything in the end appears to be pretty alright, in fact, quite good. Nevertheless, this is my opinion. The adjudicators may not share my view. Well, what's done cannot be undone. I could only hope for the best in our next debate.
I hope that this debate will serve as a warning to us that you may not have an easy task even if the motion seems to be in favor of your team. What matters most is the hard work put into your research and structuring of your arguments and speech. Never take things lightly. This is what I wish to say to all debaters and non-debaters.
Our next motion is " This house believes that the government should censor the internet". We are going to be the opposition against S7D. I hope that everyone in the class, I repeat everyone in the class should research on the topic. At least have a clue what this motion is all about. This is absolutely important in our crossfire round. The round does contribute to our overall score. Please, everyone, do something. But, the debate will only take place after the Chinese New Year. So, we have ample of time to prepare this.
Debate aside, Chinese New Year is coming soon! Ok, our banner has been painted. And, it leaves us only with the chinese new year stall to handle. Yeah, who's going to buy all the necessary materials for the glitter tattoos? Better be prepared first. And, we need a design for our stall. Does anyone have an idea of how our stall should look like? Throw in some suggestions.
Oh yeah talking about banners. I think I'm a banner-painting-maniac. I paint banners everynow and then. First I painted the class flag followed by the chinese new year banner and now, I've got a green club banner to handle. Not bad, didn't know that I've a talent in painting banner. Haha.
Lastly, I would end my relatively long blog by stating a quote which I think is interesting. I'm not admitting I'm the subject of the quote but I just think that it's rather humorous.

"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one." Bill Gates.