Just witnessed a disturbing scene yesterday. I shall refrain from providing the specifics. BUT YEAH.... please please at least treasure what you have. And yes, treasure yourself PUH-LEASE. Fate escapes technology, and man. We can never understand it.

Back to the most recent issue... the class chalet :D. Admittedly, i wasnt there for much of the time except during the first night due to my seriously tiring SRP commitments. However i was there long enough to enjoy myself! I believe i am nocturnal? Coz the night seems more warm and friendly. Seriously playing bridge/mahjong/taitee with you guys was pretty fun! Haha... so dittos to those that din turn up... seriously i think u missed out a good bit of joy and laughter as well as a chance to know your classmates better.

For the record, I spent most of my time hunched up on the second level and bridging AND OH YES i took that never ending, uneven road which was filled with ups and downs to......
The prices were pretty unreasonable but had no choice except to buy a cup of instant noodles. In fact, everyone who went bought that...... haha yunwei, abel, jona etc. I was seriously tired when we walked all the way back to our chalet which was most unfortunately right smack in the deepest, most desolated and hard-to-reach corner of Coasta Sands.

OH YES.... an interesting point.... kk, jinguans, and sam were actually doing PW! omgomgomgomgm uncle was seriously very very impressed by the immense dedication and utmost effort shown. However, DO NOT KEEP IT UP.
Thank you very much. xD

People (even teachers) used to tell me that true friends are made in the sec sch - JC period... Perhaps this might be something for people to think about?