Heya 7B! A day after being consultant, a flick of the cloak changes me into.... a Tour Guide!!! Haha... =) But tour guiding proved not my cup of tea...

Well was supposed to guide some sec school students on a tour of Pulau Semakau... Singapore's offshore landfill... Some Enviro Youth Camp organised by green club... Sure was a crap experience... I was in a van together with my fellow guide, Elijah Lock, as well as 2 J2s that decided to pass the job of tour guiding to us... Huh! Right... well i ended up doing most of the guiding because Elijah didnt say much... Guess I was like rambling on and on... Maybe i didnt make much sense to my poor secondary school victims... heh.

Yupz at least i finished the job that i was supposed to do... Haha managed to get a picture of a Grey Heron... Supposed to be a rare species (Doesnt seem rare given that we saw it the last time we went Semakau...)... Yupz well Tour Guiding sure is not my style...

Haha I see im rambling on and on like just now... Ok then cya around everyone!