Heyz everyone. I dont want to affect the happy mood of the class at the prospect of EEP (perhaps a chore to others?), the approaching hols and of course the Chalet... but I feel that its about time I talk abt this important issue of relationships within the class...

So far from my observations, certain people (Im sure you know who they/he/she is) in the class has been shunned due to various reasons... Ive personally examined both sides of the argument and the views of boths sides, upon which Ive come to a conclusion... Its a VICIOUS CYCLE... It just goes in circles and circles... I just want this vicious cycle to end... Ultimately it takes all parties to end this cycle... Should any party decide not to stop this nonsense, no amount of reconciliation efforts from the other will help.

As such, I sincerely appeal to everyone, to accept people for who they are, for the fact that they are our classmates, for the fact that a class cannot be fragmented, for the fact that class spirit needs all to form, for the fact that people didnt choose to come to this class, for the fact that IM APPEALING TO YOU ALL. Why be mean when its easier to be nice? I want the strong class spirit that I have envisioned... I know you all are deep down really nice people... but this has got to end...

I sincerely hope you all will understand... Thank you very much... Enjoy your EEP and the coming Hols!

PS Netball finals is on Wednesday! Try to come down and support HC!!! Recreate the HC Spirit at the Basketball Finals for all to see and be afraid, very afraid...