Hi Everyone! Have been collecting quotable quotes over the pass few weeks and now have collected enough for a Part 2! Today's focus is on the appalling things Teachers teach to their students...

Mr Chow:

"G is 6.67 x 10 to the power of -11 N m2 kg-2 IF IM NOT WRONG"
"Calculate F for the force of attraction between you and your gay partner"
"I must ask Maths Department to pay me for teaching Integration"
"It is like when you eat some food, the energy goes everywhere"
"So huge, scary right?"
"Please try to understand, or else I'll be hurt."

Mr Yeow:

"Would anyone want to take over the lecture or shall we end our day early?"
"Can anybody lend me rough paper?"
To this I blurted out "YOU WAIT ARH!" although not loud enough... =)
"Whats your name?
Wang Xu
Got girlfriend or not?
Oops sorry."

Fresh from today's lecture!!! Mrs Judith Cheng!

"I'm cool because I got watch Spongebob"
"Only Old men sit at the void deck and eat peanuts"
"I just grow prettier over the years"

After listening to what these lecturers say, Parents cant help but wonder what are they actually teaching their children. IF IM NOT WRONG, teachers must know very well all the facts that they are teaching. Certainly teachers are not paid to promote homosexuality and BGR, or to stereotype Old men. Nor are they paid to trick students into doing the job for them or to promote American Cartoons (Seriously arh... I do not really have a very good impression of American cartoons...)

BUT of course, these are all jokes so they shouldnt be taken too seriously! Just dont tell your parents what they teach or say... Haha =)

Thats it from me! Cya Tomorrow! =)