Hi everyone,

Looking at the previous blog posts, i think i should post sth about today :)
Today is SYF!!! "Nicer" name: Central Judging for Chinese Orchestra, which isnt really much nicer as it is not "judging"...

Anyway, I reached school at 6:15am today... and today is the first time that i see so many people in school at such an unearthly time... normally only 3-4ppl in school... We went into the auditorium and packed our things, which was like so many things to bring, haha...

We left for SCH (Singapore Conference Hall) at (i think) 7am??? and arrived at SCH (i think again) 745am? And we were supposed to be the 2nd school performing, but we arrived in time to see the ppl set up the registration counter. NJC which was supposed to be the first JC performing, arrived way after 8am... haha :)

We then went into this tuning room where we had only 15 minutes to do what we wanted, and naturally our dear Mr Wei ran through the 2 pieces we were using, ending just in time to get chased out of the room because we took too long :S haha... We went up to the 3rd storey and waited for a long 15mins while NJ was inside performing... Watching the TV that showed the stage inside, it was very scary, they sounded very good...

THEN IT WAS OUR TURN... we walked into the concert hall, for me only then that i realised that it was like an almost empty hall with less than half occupied (how many people would wake up so early to watch some 17-18year old ("kids?") in JCs perform)...and we started...

<Skipped due to extreme "boringness"...>

Okay in the afternoon we returned to SCH from sch(ool) (why SCH and school have same short forms?) to watch the other half of the competition or "Central Judging" (Mainly to watch which schools were going to be major competitors... eg VJC, TJC etc), but even after watching we still dint know whether we were at an advantage...

The performances ended at 420pm, and the judges went out to discuss for a whole 40 minutes... how on earth they can discuss so long??? i wonder... Then they came back to tell us some things, like how most CO chose loud, noisy & messy pieces, and to recommend choosing quieter pieces (which was what we did, so we knew that we were slightly at an advantage).

The moment of truth came when they announced the results :)

So the ordeal is over for CO :) and it is now transferred to choir and band :)
Good luck to Yunwei, Jun Dar and David!!! We have done it, and you can do it too!!!
Let HC get 5 Gold with Honours in 1 year and break all records!!!