Hello darn tired now... jus now gei kiang try to run around Bishan park with 2 8 pound weights in each hand... run only 400m die liao... Haha =) Poofed now... Then did pushups and a few situps then got stitch... ow...

Well i apologise for being one of the sian diao people yesterday... thoroughly drained from the vigorous round of Inspire 05 meeting in the afternoon... Luckily JG took over as photojournalist for a while so that u all at least will have some photos... thanx mate...

Time for an announcement!! Those nuts about street soccer and chapteh, your chance to show off your skills are here! The coming week will be registration for the street soccer and chapteh competition under the Inspire 05 umbrella of projects! Form teams amongst your friends and challenge each other in the competition! Chapteh competition has doubles and singles. There is a low low registration fee so stay tuned tomorrow for the announcement! Also must duo duo zhi chi my project ok? It is the sale of paper products which is 3M post-it pads and maybe notebooks! Volunteer yourself to sale these products and earn attractive cip hrs! I know that although now cip is out for J1s but it'll look good on your profile to have a certain amount of community service. So duo duo zhi chi me k? There will also be a recruitment drive this week for my project so stay tuned for announcement!

Yupz thats it from me! Darn tired...