Heya Everyone! I return to the blog with some information about Physics - IT ROCKS!!! Haha =) Well attended my first lecture for the Physics Interest Group (PIG for short Haha). Topics covered were Momentum and Rotational Mechanics. It was a DVD lecture by Paul Hewitt. Very interesting lecture although its on a DVD. Full of 'Live' Demos on the concepts being taught. He was very clear and the examples were apt and very interesting and intriguing at times. For those who are in PIG but didnt go, dont worry! Most of the things covered were taught during physics lectures, just the examples and the following equations:

I = mr2
L = Iω
T = Iα

where I = angular inertia, m = mass, r = distance from axis of rotation, L = angular momentum, T = torque and α = angular acceleration.

Some Interesting Physics Questions for ya all to think about (if you want to that is... Haha)...

1 Why does a boxer ride along with a punch when he is hit? (Ride along means he voluntarily move back, not due to impact of the punch)

2 Why must a karate demostrator hit a block of wood fast and with great force to break it?

3 Why is a Tight Rope Balancer (haha dunno the exact name) hold a LONG pole with masses at each end?

4 Why does a Ice skater spin faster when he keeps his hands close to his body and slower when his hands are spread out?

5 When the polar ice caps melt, will the rotation of the earth be affected? If yes, How?

6 Which will roll down a ramp faster, a can of coke or a can of luncheon meat?

Yupz those were some of the very fun and practical examples brought up by Paul Hewitt. I know the answer to 1-5 but 6 is a HW question given by Mr Tang... So maybe you all can try it and reason it out! Haha =) A hint is that everything here is related to forces, momentum and rotational mechanics. Some require the knowledge about the equations given above.

Haha after all that information spamming, perhaps its time to end off for you all to work it out! Haha =) Well looking forward to the weekend! Im sure Saturday's errrrrrr.... Function? will be quite fun! Yupz and thats it from me! PHYSICS ROCKS......