Hello Everyone... reached home super early today... supposed to go to AWWA School to do CIP as part of Interact club... but the people going AWWA besides me all didnt know today was a holiday for the school... haiyo... bai2 pao3 yi4 tang4... At least now i know where it is so that i can go there myself from now on.

On the way home the bus passed by Catholic High School so decided to hop off and check out the school. What a difference 2 months makes! The Primary Section has reopened after renovation and upgrading and wow, the whole school looks different! I spent Sec 3 in the primary section while the Secondary Section was being upgraded so it brought back some memories... I managed to identify where my classroom was after a while because the courtyard changed completely... The whole school has been "unwired" in Intel's terms, so I saw Cat High Students playing DOTA and Counterstrike over the School network using their Wi-Fi enabled laptops! Kao... I wonder what school is this... practically you can play LAN games all around the school...

Haha realised that they built a rock wall beside the secondary section hall! Haha looks very small... 2 stories only... they also added a abseiling wall beside the rock wall... Haha at least now can say they got rock and abseiling wall... although its looks pathetic to me... Haha =) Wah they also created a cafe corner for students! So envious lor... never had all these stuff in my time which was only about 5 months ago... How short a time needed to change the environment... Haha then I saw my principal! Decided to go greet him! Haha =) He had a nice chat with me... ask me how i was doing and talked to me about how the school did in SYF so far and which competitions we won... I was listening to the revolutionist of Catholic High... Mr Lee Hak Boon is the principal that is bringing Catholic High up the rankings as well as bringing up all the CCAs... Very morale-boosting to see things that never occured while i was at Catholic High... Basketball actually won B division nationals if im not wrong... Haha in my time they were the whipping boys lor... Always trash neighbourhood schools (oops) but lose to more prestigious schools...

Ya after the chat then decided to look for my teachers but all of them all at a meeting! >_< ended up just went home after that and here i am blogging all these down here... Yupz thats it from me... Cya Around!