Hellox Everyone! Jus reached home from Kallang Netball Centre! Haha bet u all had fun at Body Language... but when i heard yesterday HC netball was going to take on RJ, I simply didnt want to miss the occasional chance of seeing RJ get beaten by HC... so decided to watch the match instead... Perhaps its the Cat High bloodlust for RI's blood that spurred me to go despite having bought Body Language tickets... It was certainly more important than Body Language (Oops sorry Paul and Yan Ling =) ) because it concerns the Pride of HC! And boy HC Netball did not disappoint! We won RJ (but i didnt keep track of the scoreline haha =) )! Yay! HC Rocks!!!

Well being the thorough person i am (erhm), i shall give my COMPLETE analysis of the match, from the supporters to the referee, to the "dressing room" and then to the nitty gritty of the match itself! =)

First up, the supporters! Well actually, for HC the supporters are non-existent and a non-factor in the game... at first scared me lor... thought i was the only one going there to support when i reached Kallang Netball Centre... luckily i was later joined by 4 seniors... at least doesnt make me look so extra... But for RJ they had a small contingent of about 20 people... they were obviously more prepared than us... Even brought 2 flags... but luckily they were a non-factor too... because we didnt give them much to cheer for! =)

Next, the referee! Haha actually there are 2 referees, one on each side of the court like linesmen, but i shall only comment on the one closer to me from where i watched. Well i kind of liked the way she gave decisions. She spoke in an interesting accent and way that seemed to be honed to perfection from officiating at matches perhaps... Very interesting... "Goalkeeper contact from behind, penalty" Haha =)

Up next, the match itself! Well in my opinion RJ and HC are quite equally matched in terms of passing, both teams employed similar tactics and vision to pass the ball around without losing the ball. But the most glaring deficiency in the RJ team was in the shooting department... Countless attempts on goal either bounced off the rim or simply went out... Whereas HC sank most of their shots! Of course there were moments where there was flowing netball from defence to attack which resulted in goals that in my opinion where awe-inspiring. There was this move that involved about 6 players in the team from defence to attack. They were like passing almost at will, similar to "one touch passing" in soccer. That move certainly left most of the RJ team clutching at air and their heads for going another goal behind! Also I realised that although netball is very "anti-contact", there certainly is lots of contact in the course of the match. You could see the referee blowing so many times for contact-related fouls (hmmm perhaps thats the only kind of foul there is...). There were 2 instants whereby HC players were hacked to the floor from behind, resulting in breaks in play. Also clashing between players were plentiful and the game was indeed very physical in nature. Perhaps the rules are there to prevent grievous injuries, but rules are made to be broken, so the fouls continue to happen...

Finally, the "dressing room"! Haha just using a soccer term for half-time (errr i mean quarter-time?) pet-talk and instructions from the coach. Well i can see that the coach is quite fiery when pushing his charges... Although its far from Fergie's Infamous Hair-Dryer treatment but i can tell its quite harsh... but at least he gets the results. Also he tones down his strictness when giving advice in the course of the game, so at least he knows when to be strict and when not to be.

Yupz and thats it from me! Hope ya all had lots of fun at Body Language! I certainly missed it (i sold my ticket to Zi Yang haha =) ) sorry paul and yan ling! Didnt go support you all... Forgive me ok?