Heya jus returned from AWWA School! It was a great 1st visit... Got to meet some of the less fortunate... including some that appeared on tv! The visit was rather short because i felt i didnt really do much there... But it was indeed inspiring to see these people in real life! How they are actually so similar to us, despite whatever disability they have... I went there and i was introduced to my class - Class 2! Because i was kind of unexpected to come, the teacher was not really prepared for me so she jus gave a "menial" job of typing on the computer to help her on some word processing whilst she figured out what i could do for her... After completing the job, she told me to teach 2 students to count money... Sounds rather easy to you all but its actually not to them... Well i had to slowly explain to them how to count because one of them simply couldnt keep his concentration on the work in front of him... simply wanted to copy from others the answers... At least he was not bad lar... will respond to my coaxing... the other one was very difficult... simply did not even respond to me... dao me like im a ghost like that... haha after about 10 minutes i decided to give up and let the teacher take over... Then she told me teacher these 2 nice girls how to read and pronounce words correctly, as well as construct sentences from a jumble of words that is supposed to be rearranged to form a sentence. I can say that i had a much easier time then because they were very cooperative and also quick learners! After that was already time to leave lor... Haiz I helped out to pack the kids away into the buses before us volunteers left the school together... Deep sense of satisfaction! =)

Yupz with that i end this entry...