Yeah body lang was a success! Hahas Chem SPA has to end at 4... by e time i reached e room under audi i had onli like 45 min to change, make-up and warm up! But i did it!..... heard from others tt e whole show was great.... too bad i wasn't able to view e whole thing :( Well, the dance we (chinese dancers) put up was choreographed within only bout 2 and a half weeks so though it's not perfect, i m glad it actually looks like a dance! Thanx to those who turned up to watch! hope u all had fun. Oh and special thanks to those who gave me e sweet, pink flower! love ya! kaes... finally can take my worries off from dance.... shall concentrate on schoolwork for comin week. hmmm for a start shall go do my GPP...... hahas.... nitez everyone.