Heya! Jus reached home from HC Audi, home of the HC Arts Fest Concert 2! Eh maybe it was in a way a bit of a disappointment in quality... Maybe i should have gone for Concert 1... I bought the ticket but didnt go due to personal reasons... lolx =) But concert 2 is quite ok lar... I think the choir did very well... Chinese Dance did quite well also... although i dunno how to appreciate... haha =)

Well first up was the HCI (High School) CO! Well some personal comments... "Pandeng" was super noisy to me... as such it doesnt seem too organised and sometimes out of timing between sections... "Molihua" was ok lar... not too bad but can be improved... Overall it seems a Fair performance to me...

Next is the solo piece by Ms Alicia Boo! Wonder whether she's in anyway related to the HC "pharmily"... The emcees didnt really address that pt... Anyway, she was quite zai! Really takes a lot of courage to go solo... Perhaps it comes with experience given the wealth she has from performing in the public as said by the emcees... Her pieces were varied in tone and were well executed with much expression added... The second piece in particular was amazing at the end, where she played the high pitched notes so precisely without buzzing or screeching... Simply amazing =)

The Third performance was by the HC Harmonica band! Quite nice their songs... with "Historia de una mor" coming with a Bossanova beat... "Danse Macabre" with a waltz beat... and "Memory" from Cats was an answer to my question of "whats the title of that song?" when i was still learning electone... Quite nice although at some times, particularly those faster portions were not very well brought out, sounding quite messy at those portions. But overall is quite good.

Up next was the Interval. Spotted ms keung so got the cls together to go see her! Had a nice discussion abt the concert and the state of bio classes... Yea Ms Keung rox! Haha =)

Sensorium Vale and their videos... Same opening all the time... maybe its jus tradition... quite artistic actually their films... Especially when you take limits as x approaches destruction, the result is approaches infinity as the limits are indestructible! Haha eh dun noe whether that made mathematical sense... whatever heh =)

Yea up next is Chinese Dance! I dunno how to appreciate leh... Haha maybe i "jiak gan dang" one... Found the dance very energetic and the moves very complicated... Couldnt spot yan ling anywhere from the audience... lolx but great job Yan Ling! The costumes are also very elaborate and nice! The headdress quite interesting too...

Choir in my opinion was the best performance of the day i think... High pitches were hit quite accurately with the songs sung with gusto... Only gripe was that the guys in the first row were too stiff when singing and executing their "dance moves"... didnt show the energy the other choir members had...

Last but nt least M.A.D. finished the day with a energetic and freshening dance that rocked the audi! Complicated dance steps well executed with much effort put into bringing out the essence of the dance...

Yupz thats it from me! Tiring day for me... appreciation of the arts takes energy u know... need to scrutinise every move and tune to find out its signifance to the dance or tune... Lolx talking crap... More tiring days ahead as Inspire 05 heads to the final lap... Cya and Take Care! =)