Hello everyone,

I'm here to break KK's monopoly on the blog... haha... So i shall state an account of my day, which is definitely boring...

ok in the morning, i arrived as usual at 6:15am (hehe, im mad ) yes, and i 'pia'ed chem tutorial and bio practical...

Next was PE... i slacked arnd for half a hour... (what a waste of time ) anyways that's not the pt, i went to run 2.4 today! and i failed again haiz... that's not interesting... but the interesting thing is that Mr Alex Tan ran together with me! so nice, then he help me analyse how to run properly, and helped me draw up a training plan etc... so gd right?

Next on the list is Chem SPA... Hands up if you think this is an easy paper, tell me who you are... im crapping again... anyway it wasnt that difficult, only prob was time management... haha lame (why i say im lame i dont know... mental short circuit? guess so) Anyway my results are: Expt 1: 6.75oC, Expt 2: 1.6oC, Expt 3: 2.19oC/g... Haha this isnt impt as well...

Next we had... PW MEETING!!! (hear protests from my grp members )... lol... and we stood for almost 20 minutes for a meeting... dotz... to all the people out there, we havent vetted our survey with ms tengara yet... haha...

Now this is the "fun" part... I went to taka today for CO dinner... arrived there at 5pm, and went bkshp to read bks: "What is happiness?" this bk made me think of life... interesting..., then i went up to seoul garden to wait (at 530pm), but they only allowed us inside at 6pm... so i slept on the corridor... then we went in and eat...

At about 930pm, we went out to make presents for our seniors - a "photo frame" with a clay thingy on top (got goat, monster, cat etc...) haha and we had a mass/messed (both applicable ) photo-taking session in seoul garden before we got chased out... aw... but we continued taking photos right outside their door... guess they were v unhappy...

haha then i left for home at 1030pm!!! the underpass was closed, then we had to find our way out... it was like a v big maze la, took a long time to get out... sigh, then next im here typing this...

OK CONGRATULATIONS!!! If you had reached reading till here, you are very pro because even i cannot read my own post for so long without getting bored... ok im getting senile... lol haha ok im going to sleep liao, that's all for a day of my boring life... hope yours isnt as boring... nite nite everyone!