Hi everybody, im back to blog again... haha now the blog is dominated by me and kk... see when i can replace him haha... ok back to my topic... today HCCO went for a performance out of school at chinese gardens, was so fun :)

Today my day started at 230... arrived in school at 215pm, waited for ppl to open LT3, but in the end open lt2 instead... then when i was waiting i did physics :) (to all the ppl out there who are worrying about not finishing efield tutorial, i just started qn 1 today...) then they open lt3 instead, so we went in (of course, what else to do) so we stone till 3, which they say is the actual start time... shld have come at 3, i always come on time, not like those ppl who arrive 1/2 hrs late... i started taking my stuff out... then my section leader scared me to death by saying "worse come to worse you are the only erhu today..." (btw fyi my section "xianyue" is divided into erhu, gaohu and zhonghu, erhu is major section) haha i almost fainted, because i cannot play that well, always need backup by other ppl haha... then we practiced... till 4pm when we carried our stuff down to the tennis courts to wait for the bus to come, but it dint come till 430 or 445pm, because they dint know where to enter, and got stuck at chinese high entrance gate while we were at chinese high exit gate... they came at last and then it was the instruments that got stuck: too big to get on the bus... waited again...

When we reached there, the bus went to the main entrance, only to be told that wasnt where we were supposed to alight. sigh. then the driver had an argument with someone who dint want to let him go thru the carpark without paying to get out of that jam (half the bus was on the road and half was in the carpark), he almost knocked that guy down la, could see the "exchange of momentum"... then we got out of the mess and went thru another winding road which was totally disused and then finally arrived at the place: a tent with a rather big stage.

We unloaded our stuff and went to eat dinner. when we were eating got one guy who was saying "Mic test one tWo tWo tWo tWo tWo tWo..." he keep repeating the "tWo" and emphasised alot on "two", and sounded so funny :) haha we were laughing like crazy... then we went to tour the place, was so plain lor, nothing to see except many fake animals and trees etc, all made of a wire sculpture and covered in cloth. the stalls there also v plain, like pasar malam like that, nothing to see one... then we went back and had a run thru... and finally another erhu guy came, so now there were 1+1=2 erhu ppl!!! yay :) haha im lame... ok so after that we went for a walk again, now the sculpture lighted up, and was rather nice, you shld go and look, but the tickets v ex la... $13 i think...

then we came back and talk and waited for the show to start... started with some dance group from Sembawang CC, looked a bit like ballet i guess... ah yes and guess who organised the concert? Sembawang CC. It's like one in the north and one in the west of SG... what made them go there i have no idea, maybe its a mental electrical short circuit... ah well back to the topic, next was lion dance, and its also from Sembawang CC... dotz... haha next was us... we went up while the MC was talking crap... like asking ppl to count pomelo and guess the weight etc... what a great idea... then we played xiao ding dang (doraemon)... and ningfei our conductor (he's also my section leader... what nice luck. ah well that wasnt intended) turned arnd and asked the audience to clap along... but i guess that messed up the audience, a bit out of step i think... next was long teng hu yue (ie we played the same songs from MAF in a different order only), and jona and the other percussion ppl rocked the place :) star of the show...

then after that we came downstage and went to find our bus. the place was now v crowded, so we walked ad walked and walked i guess for abt 1 km, till we were out of chinese garden. the place was jam packed with cars coming in, and place was like "ppl mountain ppl sea". ah well. we waited from 830 i guess? to about 9pm. then we were told the bus was outside at another junction, so we walked again... haha, then we got up the bus, the bus driver wasnt really happy to see us... aww... then we went back to school after waiting another 10mins for the driver to board the bus, while 7 ppl stayed behind to wait for the lorry to come to bring the big things.

when we arrived at sch, the driver dint know and drove past the school.. we went to tell him, and got scolded... ouch. then we u-turned and went back. we unlocked the gate, let the bus thru and locked the gate. haha then we went back to the bus and carried our stuff down to LT2 to put there. then i went back home.

but when i went to the gate, the bus was still there. we forgot that the bus was locked in the school. Got another scolding from the driver. Ouch. sigh. we went back to get the key and finally the matter was solved. then next im coming back home to do PW! haha im now doing WR... dotz what a nice end to a day... ok enough i better get back to PW i guess, spent too much time typing this thing. wow i realised i typed so much... that's all folks, till we next meet again (i mean till i next post again, which will be v soon haha, must break kk's chain of posts :))

btw, yah my day rocks!!! except maybe the scolding by the driver and PW... sigh ok i will go back and do PW liao... i mean it :) bye :)