PooF!!! wah yesterday was fun. Some of us came earlier and went to some corner and sang songs and stuff.So many people were looking! We also played "pass the parcel" although in the end everyone has to get the parcel once and has to do some forfeit.(seniors have to do more for being late and to set a good example.Hehe.) Mine was quite easy lah---perform magic for some people on the mrt. Then we went to the playground at swenson and continue our game. Kai Liang was trying to win some kid at the game of "scissors, paper,stone" three times in a row. Then we went to the stuff canteen and ate our dinner. This was followed by a game of hide and seek in the airport. The juniors are suppose to hide and the seniors(kai liang,daryl,daniel) were suppose to find us. After the game we went to the viewing gallery and sang songs and talk crap. Daryl finally got to eat the cha sao pao.HaHa!! After that we went to see some aeroplanes landing(although there wasn't much plane to see) For those who left earlier, Kai Liang told us the story about the " riot on the plane" story. For more info go ask Kai Liang yourself. Anyway we had a very good laugh!!!! OK the day finally ended with a game of "ti ti ti" (the seniors have a different version). And we all went home!!!!! Ok that's it. Signing off! POOF!