hi all! wow haven blogged for some time so decided to take a break from my physics tutorial and come post smthg..yeps..well as we ALL noe e work load is steadily increasing and we are having less and less time to play! oh well expected eh? after all quoting from a tecaher "there is no honeymoon period in HCI"...true it is..well some things tt happened today..as CR said e painting of e banner... well was happily settling down to start painting when i was called up to have second auditions for drama fest and think i really screwed up bad. sigh and had to leave early before the banner was finished so sorry papa and mama and all in e painting banner committee esp coz i'm in it too =S...but today my mum's bdae had to leave early...shall do my best to help if there is any left tmr..and anyway our banner's looking gd!(when i left tt is) but sure it will look great now too haha..

hmm having our first PE lesson tmr and as we all shld noe by now there is gonna be a run!!! eeks..haha jiayou all.. can train up for x country as well..oh yea! i need e newsweek money by tues next week so everyone pls rem to give me and nana's lao gong (ziyang) e $25 bucks yea? haha nana needs it for her chem notes too..oh anyway do u guys wan a class badge or class tee or smthg? if u wan we gotta have designs!! tt means........ we hafta start designing..so anyone interested or have any ideas can design a copy and den we can show e class and have a vote eh? and uh prob most of u noe abt this alr..the charity concert idea...tt is we have a 2 hour long concert consisting of all sorts of performance...up to u to think of it like dance, singing(my niece is enthu abt this eh?), MAGIC!! haha and uh musical blablabla..yep den we donate part of our proceeds to wadeva charity we agree on yea? so...well we gotta decide on a date! and e most suitable one now is actually after promos i guess even tho its a LOOONG way away and i prob wun be ard any more sobz...haha j/k all e best for urhem u noe wad everyone...well cant after june hols coz of block test ..if u wan it in e first three months dun think enuff time to prepare but it may be possible la...well lots and LOTS to discuss and this blog is getting reeeeaaallly long so shall end of here and back to my physics! cya guys in sch tmr!!