Heyz Everbody!! Its time for yet another edition of KK Blog Flash in a Yellow Colour! Yellow for Apollo! Yay!!!!

Yay!!!! Today was the Faculty Dance Session 4 Apollo! Yupz and 05S7B waz there the earliest and left there the Latest! Our faculty dance simply is so cool! :) Happy to say that i have MASTERED it! Haha =)! No lar... actually i still have some parts that needs polishing up... But ive gotten the main parts mastered! Yay! Ask me if u dunno anything part k? Haha... I think you can approach Paul for the in depth analysis of the dance... Like which leg to shift your weight on and that kinda stuff... Haha :) The Physics Of the Apollo Fac Dance! Author is Paul! Approach him for details! Wah... Paul so pro today leh... became dance instructor for Fac Dance Session 2... Some more teach so well... Haha :) Future faculty or council dance IC!

Well lets introduce the next Top Models of 05S7B! Cheng Rong & Kezia! Hahaha... U should see them during Fac Dance Session leh... During the pose section of the dance they were so crap.... Should ask them to pose k? Then you'll get what i mean...

Haha... Today i realised that i have another sport that im bad at.... Tennis! Arghh.. Against the Great Uncle of mine... I ended up being ball picker for about 90% of the Time! Ouch... Its either that or the ball ended up out of the court... Min Hao was so pro lor... His shots so accurate! Should join the tennis team lor... My "Surging Dragon" shots became "Off-target Slugs"... >_<

Well, here's an advertisement! Please Join Guitar Club People! Im kinda lonely there... Yi Ling comes on Fridays only i think... So join people! Anyway buying a guitar tomorrow... the supplier coming down tomorrow! So if anybody wants to buy can go down to LT4 i think... I think it doesnt matter whether u are a guitar club member or not... Btw they mainly sell classical guitars i think, so dont expect much... like acoustic or electric guitars... about $150 to $250 4 each guitar.

Erm Hope u all have mastered the Fac Dance! Remember to wear yellow on Tuesday OK?

And that wraps up yet another informative edition of KK Blog Flash! Hope u all had lots of FUN today!