Welcome once again to the latest edition of HEADLINES:

Today on the news:

Current Affairs
The Talentime Audtions : 80 N.U.T.
Squeaking Chengrong?!?!?! The Dangers of Laughing Excessively
The Dead Zone : Love Lost Forever?
7b's Next Top Models: Chengrong and Kezia
Dancing makes us MAD, S7b brought the house down
Desperate Housewives : The Oblivious Wives and the Secret Admirers
"Arrested Development" for CNY preparations , Publicity goes wild!
LOST, Child Abandoned? Or Not? Make up your Mind
Point Pleasant : Venezia Ice-Cream, Point of Pleasure at 6th Avenue
Internal Angel-Mortal, the Amazing Race against Time
The Apprentice : David as Magician's helper
Adolescence and its Impact, GP project of the Famous Five
The O.C. : Outrageously Creative, The Power of Three
Mong in the Middle, Confusion lies on the Horizon
The Road to Stardom With Yanling : Let your spirits fly (Gd luck for tmr)
Extreme Makeover, Editor Liting burns out (incenerated)
Survivor (Season 13) : GP, the Test
Several Feet Under, My Tennis Skills suck
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Tennis Lessons : Backhand

Homework : The Real Reality
Maths Tutorial 2b (if not done)
Bio Mindmap for index (1-12), Carbo Tutprial for index no. (13-26)
Chemistry Tutorial 2 : Mole

Thank you for tuning into HEADLINES by mong again!!! More news coming up soon...