Helllloooo Everybody! Its the latest edition of KK Blog Flash! CNY special edition in RED colour!

Well first of all, I'll like to wish all 7B-ers (past and present):
Haha... very early in the morning already, so i'll get to the point. I've just came back from chinatown! Went there to watch the fireworks as well as the firecrackers... What a BANG it was! The firecrackers were especially loud this year because it lines the road dividers! So close to the audience. The place sure was packed and crowded! The atmosphere was really intense... Everyone should have been there to soak in the atmosphere! Well i met Cheng Rong and family there! Haha... he didnt even see me when he passed by... =) Anybody else went to Chinatown? Tell me if u were there k?

Yay! CNY celebrations r indeed very grand at Hwa Chong! So elaborate are the decorations! Heard that the boards making up the back of the stage is called the "city gate". Sure looks like one... Yes, good thing our stall made a profit at least! $50 may not seem much, but its the effort that's put in that counts! Yupz. Sad thing is that what was supposed to be a glitter tattoo and MAGIC stall became a tattoo stall only... Zi Yang could only resort to providing free entertainment to any passer-by to attract attention =) Must have been good practice for him also... sure wowed our grand seniors =)

Apollo seems set to win the Fac Dance Competition! Only that the results were not announced... But its pretty obvious right? We have best dance there is, coupled with good preparation and of course the ENTHUSIASM! We should be rightful champs of the competition! Haha... our class is really the most enthu class in Apollo i think... 90-95% of the class wore yellow! On top of that, we displayed our enthusiasm in the Fac Dance too! Great to see that everyone has polished up their dance steps and at least know them well!

Well erm... as for the other faculties... In my opinion... i feel that their dances are nothing compared to our fac dance! Not as fun and cool... Had a first hand at trying their dance by "crashing" their dance allotment... Haha... Wei-wen's idea actually =) Moreover, its obvious that most of the pupils are not familiar with the dance, despite the fact that they had 2 dance sessions at least. This is compared to 1 dance session for Apollo! Reason being that most of the students "pon" the dance session, while Apollo had almost everyone there! (Our class had full attendance =) ) As such, we deserve to win! Yay!


And that ends another exciting edition of KK Blog Flash! Hope you all will have a fun-filled and enjoyable holiday! Heard that W.O.L.S. may be organising a visitation, so stay tuned! =)

PS I'll be havin a quiet CNY this yr, cannot bai nian... So have fun and hope u all will get lots of angpow money! =)

Class spiritometer: HOT but is halfway to SUPER HOT status