Oh, so Ms Keung, you're rather observant too. Haha, or have you known it for quite a long time? Yeah, tomorrow is CNY celebrations! So excited... All of the stuff seem to be prepared already--glitter tattoos, publicity, stall decorations and blah blah. And, tomorrow, there's also lao yu sheng! Lao YuSheng before the start of our business will guarantee us success! Haha, very superstitious but shall be very fun.
Had the GP assigment today. The topic was whether mass media has been the greatest influence on the young today. haha, and i'm suuposed to have researched on this topic for my GP project. Erm, but does that guarantee a good grade? Don't think so....haha, so pessimistic.
Heard that our senior class lao yu sheng today. Is it fun? Must be....lao yu sheng for a prosperous year ahead...YEah! And, I remember two more things for today. Firstly, the physics practical was out of the world. Yes, it was. But, quite a funny one. In the end, the best solution was to use one piece of paper to support 500g. Eh, quite ridiculous....I mean no offence. But, imagine you spend about 1 hr plus making a structure that is created purely by rolling your paper up. erm...funny. However, of course, there are interesting structures that I've seen. For example, Paul's group made a "dog" which is supposed to be an ant. And, Johna's and Yiling's team came up with a very tall, nice, but unstable structure. Haha, shall not comment on others as my structure comsists of rolls of papers too. Haiz... and the structure look so ugly. Haiz...
Secondly, we stayed back or rather some of the people stayed back to do the Chinese New Year stall. Oh yeah, not forgetting how weird it was for me to carry two long bamboo poles to school this morning. Haha, so weird.
Lastly, please wear yellow for faculty dance tomorrow as most of us will be in yellow. Try not to be the odd one out. And, try to enjoy and earn as much as we could tomorrow. Oh yeah, my children and grandchildren, must bring mandarin oranges to bai nian with me and Xin hui. Remember, or else we disown you! Haha. Wish for an enjoyable day tomorrow!