Heya Everyone! The 32nd edition of KK Blog Flash returns once again to give you insights to an accident prone day! Ironically its Good Friday! Exclusive side of the day from the very eyes of the Chief Editor (Because no one else from the class was there besides me, Sam and Zi Yang)!

Well before all the information, I'll like to say how come the class dinner turned out so horrid... originally planned for marina bay turned out to be tampines... Haiz... Sam, Zi Yang, me, Ms Keung and Jona wasted our time coming to Marina Bay to find out that we're the only ones going to be there... Communication error or something apparently...

OK back to the main agenda for today! Class outing to Pulau Ubin that turned out horrid! Argh feel ashamed of myself too... Tell you all why later...

Well at 10 am we met up to go Changi Village from Tampines Bus Interchange. Taking bus 29, we headed towards our destination. Had an early lunch there (although i didnt have any because of a heavy breakfast) then headed over to the Ferry Terminal to go to Pulau Ubin! We reached there to realise that the place was SERIOUSLY OVERCROWDED... Bikes and people jammed the streets such that everyone couldnt walk or cycle without crashing into something... Well we trouped down to a bicycle shop to check out the bikes... and to our HORROR, we realised that all the good bikes have all been snapped up! So the shop keepers started digging out their stored bikes and to our GREATER HORROR, the bikes were all filled with spider web, dust and whatever not that makes it the most ill-kempt bikes I have ever seen... After pumping the wheels with air, using infinite amounts of tissue paper to wipe after all that grime and testing that the bikes worked, we set off to our first destination, Mamam Beach! Along the way, many of us started having problems with our bikes, be it grating sounds or crunching noises, with my bicycle suddenly jamming on me... cant even peddle... so Brian and I went back to the shop to change our bikes, with him using my bike like a kickskooter. So we changed our bikes and caught up with the rest of the class. We stopped halfway on the way to catch a glimpse of thoroughly wrecked car with much overgrowth all over it. Then it was Ming Hao's bike's turn to jam or something, so Ms Keung and him returned to the shop to have their bikes changed while we continued on our journey to Mamam Beach.

But it was then that disaster struck! Actually i was not there to see it, but judging from the results as well as the accounts from the victim and the others who were there, I can thus conclude that it was a rather bad accident as well as unfortunate one, which as such entitles me to L6/6 on the LORMS scheme... Haha whoops talking SS... Anyway, the unfortunate victim was Sam! Argh, looking at the state of her bike earlier and her VERY shaky start when we left the shop, I had this sense of foreboding but I chose to ignore it... Should have told her to change her bike... Oh well, apparently she tried to brake while going down a slope, which ended with a turn, but failed to stop in time... Collided with the barrier and landed on her right side i think because all her injuries were mainly on her right side... How unfortunate... Disastrous results... Lost her right thumb nail... Multiple abrasions from her right knee to her thigh... with small scratches here and there on her hands and left leg... >_<>_<... Well so we decided to evacuate the casualty back to Singapore for better treatment (Because the Coast Guard on duty at the police post seriously did a BAD job... Ms Keung will certainly give you an earful on that and will DEFINITELY fire the poor corporal and sergeant ragged =) )

Well, we (Sam, Zi Yang, Ms Keung and Me) went back to Singapore to seek treatment. We took a bus to Tampines and dropped off beside the Tampines polyclinic to see it was open (unfortunately it was closed). BUT before that, just after we crossed the road to get to the polyclinic, CATASTROPHE struck once again! A loud BANG shocked us as we spun around to see to our terror that a van has crashed headlong into the side of a car, leaving a huge dent on the side of the car... Luckily the drivers were unhurt and could still drive their cars properly, just that the van lost its bumper and number plate. After verifying that the polyclinic was closed (Haiz how can health institutions close?) we went around hunting for clinics nearby before we asked a uncle where we could find an open clinic. He kindly gave us directions with the help of his wife to a 24 hr clinic. So we once again boarded a bus and headed over to the clinic.

Once there, Dr Ang (the doctor on duty) kindly took a look at the wounds and at the crappy standard of bandaging. She cleaned her wounds with chlorohexdiate or sth like that and for her 2 larger abrasions at her knee area, she wrapped it up in a Crepe bandage. Haha i got to learn some new things as well from her, like what is the use of certain things i see in a first aid box but never got down to using them. So yupz, quite a fruitful journey too! For her thumb, she wrapped it up in a small piece of gauze, with Sam grimacing here and there... As for the series of grazes along her thigh, Dr Ang applied antiseptic and allowed it to air dry. Well the pain must have been too much as when Sam tried to get up, she felt dizzy and had to sit down again. Dr Ang thus suggested that she go lie down. After getting better, we rested outside at the chairs to allow Sam to completely recover. Well must have been a very painful experience but she controlled herself very well! Well done!

Having decided to go to Marina Bay, we took a bus back to Tampines Interchange... along the way we witnessed yet another accident! We were passing by a parked motorcycle and we saw that there was this guy with his hands all bloody... and I mean REALLY bloody! There was even a pool of blood on the ground...

Well at the interchange, we went to Guardian pharmacy to buy some gauze and micropore tape for Sam to change the dressing on her thumb before we took the MRT to Marina Bay. AND only at Marina Bay did we realise that everyone was going TAMPINES!!! Argh... We couldnt move because of Sam's leg as well as Ms Keung having spent quite much on travelling already (She is paying adult fare now) we decided to stay and wait. Only Jona came to join us... Argh what a mix-up! So we decided to go ahead with our original plan... We went to Chomp Pang Steamboat for dinner (except Jona who went to the arcade)! Haha we went to see that the Meat and Seafood Section totally wiped clean! Leaving only the "cheap stuff" like vegetables and Shrooms for desperate people. Haha the kiasu Singaporean spirit in action once again! Later on, I even saw people walking off with mounds (Yes MOUNDS) of chicken, prawns and other meats as soon as they are refilled by the staff! Haha yeowz =). Due to our very specialised diets (but seriously i dont think anyone will have a more specialised diet than mine =) ), we settled for chicken mainly and seafood sparingly, as well as Bai Chye and Lots and Lots of SHROOMS!!! (Har... went the others) Haha I kinda love vegetables (well if i dont, i dont have anything left to eat! Haha =) )! Well i think i can become an ovo-lacto vegetarian without any problems! Haha =) But i cant stand certain vegetables... like lady's finger and brinjal... Super yucky and mushy when you cook them...

So we just say there, ate, talk some rubbish, stoned sometimes, dodged sputtering oil, took some photos while we waited for Zi Yang and Sam's parents to come and fetch them. At about 10 plus pm we left for home.

That ends yet another CHUNKY edition of KK Blog Flash! Moral of the story: Good Friday is never good for physical activites! Haha =) Certainly a very accident filled day... 3 accidents witnessed in one day certainly is TOoooo much and coincidental! The Chief Editor apologises for the lack of 1st Aid Supplies! Maybe I should constitute a First Aid Box for myself, just dressings only, no solutions (because they expire and it will be quite a waste if you dont use them often). When i need the solutions, i'll go buy them. Ok and with that the Chief Editor bids Sam a swift recovery (although i think she'll be grinning at the prospect of skipping netball training =) ) as well as sincerely thank the doctor who lent us his first aid kit. Chief Editor signing off...

PS The blog SERIOUSLY needs AIR FRESHENER!!! Blog more everyone! Dont have to be long essays like mine (oops)! Just leave a few words to express a bit! Haha good for GP you know if you write often... Haha =)