Heya Everyone! KK Blog Flash goes to the theatres! Victoria Concert Hall to be specific! Hmmm... tough choice for colour of this issue... OK i know! Yellow for HUANG Cheng! Haha =)

7.15 pm The Chief Editor reaches City Hall MRT! Seeing no time to lose, I ran out of the MRT, past the front of City Hall, scaring some children along the way, bumping into some people, before arriving at 7.25 at Victoria Concert Hall! *pant pant* Was all sweaty and sticky... and met up with the class for Huang Cheng Ye Yun! In support of Pin Yun (Lighting) and Foony (Piao Wu)! Haha =) My mortal rox! Recovering from dengue also jian chi go for Huang Cheng! Yay! Ok shall take this chance once again to nag... Haha =) Take care and rest well k? Drink more liang2 cha2... Haha =)

Well the first play of the day had 3 simultaneous plots running at once with one common point - A last minute chase to recover what damage has been done to your loved ones. Plot No. 1 is an originally unfilial son returns back from working overseas for 10 years to his home to pay respects and spend some time with his mother. Plot No. 2 is a man who was too caught up with work to bother about his ever caring wife. Now at his lowest point (apparently having been cheated of all his money or something by someone) he begs for his wife to return to him in the calm atmosphere of the park. Plot No. 3 is a bitter man who had his whole family killed by supposedly "Jiligulu" people... Haha =) so farnie name... and he embarks on a crusade of 5 years with 3 other companions to kill as many of these "Jiligulu" people to protect his own race. But the irony of the situation at the end was that his family was not killed by "Jiligulu" people but by his own "brother". Certainly a sad and heartwarming play. By the way, did you all notice the clock hung at the top left? Haha very interesting clock with so many hands... wonder what literary meaning and significance does it have...

Next was a play about how money can actually govern the way a family works, although i feel its a very extreme example. Wah, everything the family does always has an ulterior motive of trying to get money... Massage your father's back, pay for your own dinner, want to add sauces, etc all have to pay money... VERY EXTREME. But extreme examples always lead to hilarious moments. Haha especially whenever the son starts to talk. "Cristina Isabella Michelle Tan! Our love is forever!" Haha... such a long name... but the way he says it is super farnie! However, ultimately the plot reveals the full extent of the grip on money on the family when they even try to profit from their grandmother's death... A very dark and ominous theme beneath this hilarious play.

Finally, after the intermission, is the 3rd and final play! Its about a old-fashioned hair salon facing extinction and the emergence of a new trend of speedy haircuts. Well an old hair salon is sold to a Japanese-educated Chinese to clear the debts of its original owner. As such this guy decides to change the look of the salon to that of a modern and trendy salon, offering quick service at 10 mins per haircut. Haha a direct attack on QB House, the japanese speed concept hair salon. Well the play is mainly about the struggle by the 2 hairdressers from the old salon to retain it's original look and concept, with the revelation of why the Chinese owner decides to switch to speed concept hairdressing. A slightly hilarious and quite enjoyable play.

Haha now for the fun part of the night! Interestingly, it happened after Huang Cheng! Haha =) Sam and Zi Yang (M18 Show 3), CR and me were going to City Hall MRT to take mrt to go home. Well, Sam's Father and 2nd Brother-in-law decided to give them some personal time! So we ran ahead! Haha =) They attempted to chase us but to no avail, probably because Sam was in a skirt, and Zi Yang, the ever loving husband, decided to accompany her! Haha =) Wah... So compatible right? Oops, maybe another tagboard battle is about to begin... Oh well, the best is yet to come! We turned around the corner at St Andrew's Cathedral and hid ourselves. Then we waited... and waited... and waited... and waited... wah they were really taking their time to talk and interact with each other man... Finally they appeared! Then a BRILLIANT idea struck me! To make M18 not just a name..., but a real show! Haha... They went ahead while i tried to pluck out my DV camcorder from my bag... Sadly we didnt catch up with them... only at the mrt station where i took some seconds of video that doesnt really suggest anything... Haha oh well, a very fun experience! Being PI sure is fun! The adrenaline rush, feeling of hunting the hunted... Haha =)

And with that ends yet another KK Blog Flash at a exciting and climatic end! The Chief Editor is now a full-fledged photojournalist! Complete with still camera and DV camcorder! So as such, M18 shows are no longer for specific people to see... it can be caught on camera or video for all to see over and over and over and over again!!!! Wahahahahaha... But certainly will not try for photojournalist... very sian and stressful to be photojournalist for class and council... Have to take photos day in day out and edit them day in day out till my eyes pop out! OK OK, time to go film more council video! Cya around everyone!

PS What happened to class outings recently?! Organised... then cancelled... organised again... then cancelled... haiz... Well for those itching to know whether i got in to NRP, the answer is NO! Haha =) But i wont become dejected or something, because the "interview" sure taught me a lot of lessons! Also made some new friends from there too! Well yupz, I'll just take it in my stride... and go for the next research programme that comes up! Haha =)