Hellox Everyone! KK Blog Flash once again! Short issue on NRP interviews! Haha =)

Well I had my NRP interview at 430 pm today! Oh i mean yesterday haha =) The project i chose was Sculpturing Nanostructures using Focused Ion Beam! The "interview" wasnt really what i expected... as in a one to one interview... but it turned out to be a group discussion cum QnA session with the associate professor! Wah... really caught me a bit offguard... Somemore the things discussed were rather technical in nature... Haiz really wonder whether I'll get in or not...

Serena's interview was at 230 pm! Heez, I rather go for her interview than mine... The questions are more expected and straightforward! "How can you contribute to this project?"... "Why did you choose this project?"... "How committed are you to this project?"... Wah! I want those questions lorz... Can really say a lot of stuff about them! Haha =)

Well Ive just submitted a mock proposal on what i would do if I got selected to the associate professor through email! Haha... very interesting proposal to me but may be childish and amateurish to others! Haha =) I proposed that we nano-size gundam models and see whether we can still pose and move the models freely or not! Haha =) Super farnie rite? Haha, well the prof said that the project can be anything, from interesting to scientists to interesting to the general public! Haha well hope that i get in! Good luck to Serena as well! =)

That ends another issue of KK Blog Flash! Cya around everyone!

PS Eh Zi Yang sorry for being able to get to u... the associate professor didnt reply in time... actually you CAN come down for my project interview! But the professor replied only on the day itself... Too late to get to you! Sorry! =(