heya guys! realised i haven blogged for a long time and papa has noticed the dust layer as well so shall think up smthg to blog eh? hmmm well the term has come to an end and in a flash 10 weeks have gone by ... next term we'll be coming back with, well, less people than before and people are also thinking of changing combi so i guess there'll be some adjustments to our nicely separated 13 guys and 13 girls class...sigh...oh well 7B spirit lives on FOREVER! haha yay!

today there were TWO M18 shows screening and i actually got front row seats haha shh..and a third one is coming up too! and e person is urhem NOT me!! yipee!! hehe shhh... ;p...yeps and as we all know council election is all the craze now and some candidates in our class are yun wei, paul, xin hui, CR, KK, Jin Guan, Kezia uh so far all i can remember sorry if i missed anyone out...been pretty slow lately as CR and KK can vouch for...sigh...

oh and in case anyone didn't notice a prominent member in our class - our WOLS officer has been on MC for nearly a week or more now! let's all hope he gets better eh? ah yes!! the scraping of the PEARLS points have led to more than one person asking himself or herself the point of staying on in the CCA while some others say it don't make a difference...for me? i guess i will most likely stay on for both my CCAs just that i don't feel the stress of getting enough points anymore...phew!

its fac outing tomorrow!! yes and once again we have to wear yellow! but i only have one yellow shirt and i wore it for CNY so i gotta borrow one from some one...and the plan is to wear our class "tie" (shoelace) with whatever we are wearing tomorrow...hmm let's hope all those going will have fun eh? yay... well i have to go now.. its getting late...see you guys in school tomorrow!