Hellox! Just a few random thoughts to share...

First this is directed to Zi Yang... Have you read the Council Elections board recently? A piece of cardboard or something has been added there... With the words "The MAGIC of the 32nd Student's Council" written on it... Haha... makes me wonder why this was added... is it a blatant call for Magicians to join council? Haha... Certainly there wont be any literal meaning of magic if there's no magicians... Hmm maybe my thoughts came a bit too late huh, with tomorrow being the dateline for application.

Next is just the PURE EXCITEMENT of the impending council elections! Also the extreme HAPPINESS at having so many classmates running for council! Haha =) Was all along worried that it'll all boil down to only me and CR... People say that having less people running for council is a good thing... but to me, its a SPECIAL thing to have classmates running for council! Haha at least more people get to experience the fun of council elections! Although we will be competing against one and another ultimately, I feel that we should not treat this as a competition... but as just another platform to develop our potential to the fullest. Council elections without friends in it will certainly be different, as you'll not have support along the way! So i sincerely thank those that have taken up the courage to run for council, namely xin hui, kezia, paul, yunwei and jin guan. Of course not to forget the long time supporter of council elections together with me, Cheng Rong!

Whatever the outcome, I hope you all will look back at this experience as one you will cherish all your life. I extend a handshake to these 6 ppl for having taken up tis challenge, and may we see ourselves representing Apollo in council! Good luck to everyone and Jiayou!