Hellox! Yay! My Lao Po's Bday today! Gotta wish her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY online too, cos the blog is like home to me, ranks third behind my real home and HCI!! =) Hope you liked my present the most! Haha so demanding... =) Very interesting right my present... Haha keep toking abt my present... The Jigsaw cum photo quite cool too! Never knew you could make such things... Ok la its jus that im quite SK... maybe can form SK III? Haha =)

Got a bad feeling abt bio lecture test... couldnt finish essay! >_<

Yupz and thats it for today! Gotta go mug for Chem SPA... like i know how to =). Well cya around everyone!

PS Oh yah forgot to say that im gonna run for council! Yao duo duo zhi chi kz? Heard that CR and yunwei goin to try too! Wish Us luck!! =)