Hihi everyone :D Roadrunner is here to post sth on this dusty blog...

> Note: this section is for the ppl who missed Exposé today, but read it if you want to...
Today KK, Paul, Yunwei and me went to Exposé, which was the Council briefing (isit?). Paul came at 8am (shockingly :D) to find that it dint start at 8am but 10am! haha... he beat me today to be the first one in school...

We went to LT2, where we took a "personal questionaire" to fill up (full of politically correct qns?), and listened to the teacher-in-charge, Mrs Ang, talk to us on council. Next the exco and the 4 committees introduced themselves (which was real funny at times). Then the event committees introduced themselves and "fought" over which event was the most "profitable", longest, or best (in terms of anything)... then we watched 2 past campaign videos, which was veryn, where n tends to infinity good, wonder whether we can make sth like that...haha. Next we had a college song session, and a mass dance session. Paul, our future dance IC, went up on stage to lead the dance!!!
At 530pm, Yanling, Liting, Pinyun and me went to Coro to eat dinner, then we went to this flower shop, where the three of them screamed(or squealed) when they saw flowers...(wonder why girls like flowers so much, someone please tell me :P). Then they went to a gift shop, where pinyun suggested to buy some spiky (rubber/plastic?) balls for Mong, David and Yunwei, and to my surprise, the other two agreed! (Maybe because there was a lack of time then... hai...)

Then we rushed back to school and went in to the audi, which was half packed by then (so no good pics, ppl). They played Moonriver and Phantom of the Opera (the only pieces that i can remeber :D), and Smile by Charlie Chaplin... :) After the concert, we went down to the stage to give the balls to the 3 of them, and also to let them sign our programme booklets :D haha like movie stars... and that concludes this tiring, hectic day... (photos will be up at a later time)

bye everyone.