Heyz Everyone! KK Blog Flash returns after a LOOOONNNGGGG Break due to inactivity on the class front! Today's edition is abt the Fac outing! Yellow edition once again for Apollo and 05S7B!!

Well I went home after school after settling some troublesome NRP matters. Then I went there on my own after not being able to get to school on time. Luckily my mother was able to get me there or else i would have been lost... SPANS JOM Clubhouse! Went there to realise that only Amy was there... So took a self-guided tour of the Clubhouse... Quite nice design actually... especially the pool! Took some photos of it! Well i couldnt get to go to certain areas of the clubhouse so i decided to just stay at the lounge. Quite comfortable there. It was at 7 that i met Serena coming in! So we went to join Amy in the Function room and had a few rounds of Dai Dee! Well Im not a good dai dee player so i was the overall loser for 2 games b4 not being one! If I were to run for Fac Prince, I fink the most interesting thing about me would have been that i suck at gambling and card games! Haha :) After 3 games, the people from school came to join us! Haha... I certainly came well prepared with 3 decks of cards! :) Then we had a few games of Heart Attack. We were then interrupted by our emcees of the day! Wei-wen and whos-dat-name? Darn... I only know that he's some NE coordinator or something... Oh well... They rang the dinner bells! Dinner time! But girls get to go 1st! So we decided to let the girls get the food for the class! Haha thats class spirit for you =) Then us guys being gentlemanly, decided to pull out the chairs for the girls! Haha =)

Eh Dinner was composed of fried rice, bee hoon, ma po tou foo i fink, fish, chicken, just to name a few. Some were off limits to me because of my REALLY SPECIAL DIET that ive said b4... But the chicken mushroom soup was quite good to me! Oh well next up was the CHUBBY BUNNY GAME!!! Class Representative: Ah Gong!! Hahaha =) Basically people had to stuff as many marshmallows into their mouths as possible without chewing or swallowing... but later it became where ever possible on your head... Resulting in one guy stuffing it all over his head... Ears included! So farnie =) But the winner of the game was Kai Liang! Yay! Cos we cheered for him the loudest actually... not becos he stuffed the most marshmallows... Haha =) Kai Liang drew a prize of WAXING A GUY... Cheng Rong was the eventual target... So sad... got his leg hairs removed...

Next up was the Just Whos Line Is It? Game. Got some photos of it but the story so lame that i cant believe it... The things people cook up during lectures... Physics Lectures in particular hahaz... Now you know what the Fac Head or his committee does during lectures! Haha =) Shant describe it... cant rmb anyway... but the question of the day is what is a Sinep... Hahaz

Well finally we have the Fac Prince and Princess contest! Basically they will ask you questions to test whether they know each other well enough or not! But somehow Brian and Yiling lost! Oh my goodness... Yiling must be so sad now that Brian dont know her well enough... Hahaz... Well the eventually winners were Brendan (Actor behind Bobbert) and errr.... another whos-dat-name... Hahaz Not good at remembering names at first sight...

Finally we went to spend the rest of the day having 2 rounds of Fac Dance and 10 games of bowling shared between the whole class! Sponsored by the Apollo Faculty! Yay! Realised how newbie i am at bowling! Out of 4 tries only fell 3 pins! Less than one pin per shot... 3 Longkang balls... Haha no beginner's luck today...

And that ends yet another issue of KK Blog Flash! Hope everyone had fun at the Fac Outing! For those who didnt go, we missed you! The Cheif Editor signing off...

PS Serena and I has interviews for NRP on Mon! Wish us both good luck although i dont really fancy my chances... Sad thing that Zi Yang didnt get in... Haiz... Must be because he chose a very competitive project where many ppl signed up for it... Sorry pal...