Poof!! yo guys hope you all enjoy the chalet. Sorry that i couldn't make it. I was in Perak in fact we reached school at 4.30 in the morning and we have to sleep in school till there's bus service. Haha. Anyway, the trip rocks. The first day was trekking up the mountain all the way till the gateway of Cameron Highlands. Tiring but fun and challenging. not forgetting getting ourselves dirty. We reached near the river where we are supposed to set up our tents. We were so high up that the we can actually drink straight from the river!

The next day morning at about 6, we started making our way down. My group got to do white water rafting first. IT WAS SUPER FUN!! Although we capsized once but its super fun to capsized. The boat get stuck very easily and you can get thrown overboard. I actually got thrown overboard when the boat hit a rock and i was washed downstream before i actually grabbed onto a rock and wait for the bopat to get nearer. HAHA super fun!!!

Then we went caving which is exploring caves. The first part was rather interesting. The guide will bring us around the cave. We walked up the steps and stuff and look at the rock structures which look like different things such as a woman's face, monkey driving a car. very interesting. Well the cave was not like what we think. It was super huge!!!! after about an hour we came to the tough but most interesting part. We have to slide down this almost vertical rock to reach somewhere below. Then we have to squeeze ourselves through this hole in the ground to the underground water below. Then we have to wade throught the cooling underground water. Well this part of the cave is very small and we have to wade through the water. At some parts we even have to swim or duck walk as it is simply too low. As it is a wet cave, ou feets are in water for most of the time. Super fun!!!!

The last day was CIP day. Actually we were supposed to fix toilet doors for the orphanage( which is also our base camp). But out of 14 doors only 4 came and the power drill was being locked in the room and the person-in-charge has left for town. So in the end, some went to fix new showers while the rest helped to clear a choked drain. We also played with the orphans games such as frisbee and chapteh.(my grp name is called chapteh by the way) We left the place at about 8pm at night

On the bus i performed magic and stuff and sleep the rest of the jouney.

In all it was a very enriching trip and i've experience alot of new stuff. never regret going.