Hi everyone, im back to blog again! (haha actually to add a bit of life to this blog... )

So... i woke up today at 5.20am, after my alarm clock failed to wake me up at 5am (dont know what's the problem with me... cant wake up these days) anyways, i set my hp to ring... after that scare yesterday when i woke up at 7.30am... aw... (actually i was dreaming of forgetting to do WR this morning... haha)

Then i went to school, at the same old time, early in the morning... then i realise no one there (not a surprise to me anymore ), then i went to sleep (haha)... woke up at 630am, realised 1/2 of the ppl who arrived wore the OH shirt, when we were told to wear sch u yesterday... Next was the WR!!! haha, cant get enough of PW... yes was making a custom cd cover, like arts and crafts... then sam arrived and the WR was like "WOW!!!" all the colours so nice :) sam's printer rocks :P and thanks sam too... :) then started punching holes and file in the things into the yellow file ms tengara gave us... ah then after assembly we went to submit the file.

WR is completed!!! whee!!! :)

When i came back it was like a lot of ppl disappeared to their own CCAs liao, so i sit there and stone... then couldnt stand it anymore because CO's booth was just behind and a bit right to our class bench, then got ppl there preparing stuff, couldnt stand doing nothing while watching, so went to "help"... yah like looking at the banner (if you call it a banner, was like 4 pieces of vanguard stuck together) to see whether it was vertical... to our left and right were chinese dance and track (i think), and i see, its like they got nice things down there to give ppl, then we got teabags... with a sticker saying "樂" (the "yue" in "huayue") over the lipton label... haha so funny... then we (or they, i was slacking) were preparing books for the sec 4s to come and write their names, and some of them were writing strange names and other strange stuff... (shan't say down here, its v stupid...)

then we go carry our instruments down to inner plaza, and after a while we go on the "stage" that red carpet... then we play (of course play, what else? sit and stone? ah well...) "花好月圆" and "瑶族舞曲"... first song was loud and fast, gd for effects, BUT... it was too fast for me and almost 57.142857...% (essentially 4/7) of my section. haha. the next song was slow and nice, good for concert type, but too soft for the central plaza... oh well...

then after this we put our stuff in the classroom, and i came out and slack arnd. i went to look for kk at the sensorium vale booth, where they were screening orientation videos... shld have found a way to cope it :P its very nice, shld go watch... yah then i went walking arnd the school aimlessly, looking for ppl to talk to... then came council dance and mass dance, and stood there and watch... was v tired (an after-effect of doing to much WR... haha), and anyway like kk, almost always had to dance with an imaginary partner... so might as well watch... well... and then my sister appeared out of nowhere and asked me how to leave the school... right xinhui (if you did read this...) did yr sister come? if dont want goodie bag can give us (us: me and kk :P... im now trying to ask him whether he got get goodie bag, but he's... well... shld be mapling... aw)

then i had lunch with kk and we talked about the ppl in the canteen... someone called edwina who was doing a game isit? sam and serena shld know who im talking about... yes they were playing some game... yah then we tried to find out how to get goodie bag... and then we came back to the left wing... and i stoned... well what else could we do? its either stone or stone... haha :) then also i go talk to abel (isit before or after? cant remember) about lots of things, and guess what? goodie bag. yes. haha.

ok then later we had our next performance at 12.40 pm? sth like that. yar. yes and it was like the same, except that i flopped more... aw. nevermind. then we kept our stuff in the CO room in LT2, and then went to watch orientation video in AVT. v nice, got orientation 2004 and 2005 - our year!!! v interesting and funny too, they imitate the advertisements on tv, like the HP (infinite possibilities) and the heinekein beer advert (the one on the shelf). must watch to get the joke... haha v funny la, and the 2005 one got our class too!!! :) so even more reason to watch... :)

then i came back and talk to cr, and we went walk-walk arnd the school looking at stuff... after this was council item and mass dance again... this time i joined electric dreams :P haha... then i went to the side to watch... got tired only after 1 dance... no stamina, unlike paul :) then after this i went off... to MOE to do some strange survey.... wont talk about it here, its v boring, so that's all!!! :)

yes and one last word, rmb to blog!!! hahas... PW ROCKS!!! :)