Heya Peeps! Long time nv blog liao so shall blog while i let my maple story character heal... Lolx

Yupz today is the end of F.O.S. although most of the sports were concluded yesterday... Hope everyone had fun! Haha although we tend to lose in most sports... Badminton and table tennis had better results... But well its all in the name of fun so dont need to take it too hard yar? I certainly had a lot of fun... Frisbee rocks! Haha but we need a bit of coordination in order to beat another...

Heh well enjoy the post promos period everyone! Eh but dont forget about PW (and CLAO for SOME ppl lolx)! Cya and Take Care! =)

PS Is it just me or the latest craze on the net is maple story? A lot of ppl seems to have started on it recently... =)