Heya peeps! Taking a break from mugging at the moment... After reading Paul's blog post ive got some thoughts and feelings to share... in particular abt the class unity thing...

Well it seems recently i get this feeling of emptiness whenever im in class... Belonging to nobody's clique i tend to hop around the class during tutorials and dont really stick to any clique to talk... Dunno lar it jus seems a bit alienating sometimes whenever you try to get into a conversation with somebody in a particular clique with the other clique members there... They seem to click so well while Im just like left out of the action... Haha well... It just seems that the cliques only truly disappear for a brief while whenever it's a class gathering, where there is some mixture around... oh well... kinda agree with paul that the cliques dun really mix... leaving those who hop around like me kinda silent in class... Perhaps it's my cautious personality... dunno lar... Well im not blaming anyone... jus a feeling deep inside at the moment...

Well to end off on a happy note, I'll like to wish Paul a very happy Bday! Haha although i clean forgot your bday was today... But i'll make up for it next yr! Haha =) Cya...