yea well i seriously dunno why im blogging when i seem to have nothing to say.. but having nothing to say and yet saying something is still blogging something right? haha ok cutting the crap, which leaves me with nothing again.. hmm firstly i'll like to say loud and clear - point taken jin guan. things happen for various reasons. people coming for cls outings or nt, people blogging or nt, all have their own reasons. perhaps its an overgeneralisation to say tt we are quite unenthu ppl.. well it can be for various reasons, be it cca, work, blah blah blah.. many reasons.. everyone jus needs to ans this qn within themselves.. "is my reason valid enough to omit myself from a cls outing?" well ppl's standards as to a valid reason varies, but in my opinion non-valid reasons include "im tired", "dun feel like it", etc etc.. other than reasons like these, you shld nt feel guilty at nt coming for a cls outing.. also blogging is a personal choice.. yes ppl are not obliged to blog.. some ppl like to put pen to paper (fingers to keyboard more likely) their thoughts, their experiences.. others dont. so we shldnt judge "enthu-ness" by the no. of blog entries by each person on the blog, but by the spirit they show during activities..

now coming to the pt of spirit.. maybe we're nt quite there yet.. where everyone can talk to everyone with ease.. perhaps an impossible situation.. but having said this earlier after paul's bdae post, having heard similar responses from various ppl, perhaps i shldn't repeat myself again..

yea well i think tts it frm me.

PS sry i oso dunno the dates of the tests =(