Was forcing mongalily to blog but he staunchly refused :S
Oh wells nvr mind i'll write some crap since i am so bored lately...

Apparently i heard that jona is planning a trip to sentosa.... so everyone must go k :], regardless of what type of mushroom u are (ok maybbe button mushrooms can be excused) but OTHERWISE...

Anyway I HAVEN BEEN ABLE TO WATCH HARRY POTTER. This is totally unacceptable and that lousy movie critic in the straits times [some fat pompous piece of 'thing'] actually gave HP a pathetic 3.5 stars which is to me, just wrong.
8days is a wonderful magazine though =]. It gave potter 4.5 stars.

AND If you have already decided not to watch oliver twist you might like reconsider. Although the atmosphere is a little gothic and very British, I thot that the plot was quite unique in a sense. The movie did not end in a typical 'happily ever after' fashion, neither did it fade towards the end into unbearable, incredulous gaiety.

It ended with an execution.

Pls do not be mistaken though, in no means am i suggesting that u watch the movie for the ending/execution =D. The plot is honestly rather moving, despite its slow pace.

I have resolved to watch 3 movies this holidays: the beloved Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia and perhaps King Kong, for the simple fact that King Kong looks so much like eric.

OOPS! That was a slip of the tongue. The backspace button on my keyboard is not working i cant seem to delete it. Oh yeah and my delete button cant be pressed as well.
So sorry!