yupz yesterday me, mh, jona (on hh's invitation) and sam (on ziyang's invitation duh =) ) (n paul i think who i didnt realise was going until now) went for hh, ziyang and brian's commissioning parade! finally officers ya, nt some lousy OCTs (whoops sry paul =p) yupz i think i'll let the pics do the talking then. =)

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a windswept day with torrential showers, creating this hell of a parade square.

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ocs tower overlooking the parade square. a symbol clearly seen even frm outside the camp.

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Infantry contingent frm foxtrot containing ziyang

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Infantry contingent frm delta containing hh

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Navy contingent containing brian

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The SAF Colours

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march pass by delta wing infantry

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slow march out to put down their rifles

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proud parents putting on the 1 choco bar epaulettes on hh's shoulders

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the PTE, LCP and 3SG with 2LT Huang (Hao)

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our heroes with 2LT Huang (Brian)

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our heroes with 2LT Han

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2LTs become children when they throw their peak caps and berets (commandos only) into the air and celebrate with reckless abandon.

yupz tts it frm me. here's some interesting descriptions frm the programme bklet.

The Parade Square is 170 metres by 120 metres. It is made of a combination of materials: granite, exposed aggregate and turf. The parade square is designed to reduce the glare of daylight and heat level. This serves to improve the overall comfort level of the troops on parade.


ps: oi hh i want my angpow hor! I saluted u then ok! haha =p