hi all! the accidentee is here! haha actually feeling much better alr thanks all for all the acre and concern! thanks for ur msgs and well wishes too! felt so sorry guys had to stop for so long with me at that stop on ubin to wait for the managment...well my typing is kinda crap now... hitting e spacebar with my index finger haaha..well all appreciate ur thumbs!!! will feel real handicapped wihtout it...hmm i managed to invent a new way ofholding a pen! so i can write ...i think.,..will try to..

anyway shall tell e story form MY point of view hehe tho its real simliar to KK's coz he was with me... anyway after we left for e boat, my thumb woulden stop bleeding so had to trouble zi yang to help me dab e blood all e way.. thanks lao gong! den we were on e boat feeling a lil glum when e ever enthu miss keung said "dun be glum! we can finde sumthing excitign to do after we see e doc and b4 staembaot!" whee! so we all cheered up and discussed e prospects of going to KK house! ahaha much to his puzzlement oh and miss kaung was happily standing at one of e doors of e boat looking out at sea when e boat man came and closed the door disappointing miss keung alot heehee so funny...well we reached mainland and hunted ard for a clinic as KK's blog said.. and when we finally found one we trooped in and me ashamed to say i was shaking a lil.. and den i sat down and there was this strategically placed needle right in my view!!! it was so huge!! so when e doc asked if i took my tetanus jab i quickly rattled off when was e last time i took it...phew! and yea well was q an agonising period of time when she started to clean e wound and all and after tt for a while ... din bother following e instructions of eating b4 taking e painkillers.. oops! dun be like me!!

den we slowly headed off to our supposed meeting place at marina bay intending to stone there while waiting for pple to come...along the way on e train zi yang continued to amaze miss keung with his magic while miss keung tried to figure out how it was done!hehe jiayou miss keung! at the station we settled down comfortably ready to wait for e arrivalof our frens! and in e mean time more magic tricks were performed! haha and in e midst of it all... disapointing calls and messages were received and made..sigh and we concluded tt only 4 people were going for steamboat and jona will be joining us from time to time...determined to have fun even tho we had a pathetic no. of people, we headed purposefully for chong pang... and started our "steamboat fun"! this all ended hours leter when we started making arrangements to go home and eating icecream and taking pictures...yay hope they are posted soon...*int hint*kk!!

yay okkok i gotta go now! cya all on mon! and hope my bandaging can get more presentable...my first thumb bandage reminds me a a big oddshaped fishball! eeks...kk bye!