..:: 05S7B - A cruise into space ::..

Our class blog celebrates its 300th blog post today! Haha this 300th post (blogger tells me that)seems like an an artificial thingy, but i guess its still considered a post right? (haha i know some ppl think i talk crap... i think that i think so too... )

OK, now i think i will talk some things about the blog in this 300th issue (btw, many class blogs acheived 300th post in 3 mths after the blog started... where's everyone?)

First thing, i guess this blog has been an interesting place for some time huh... with KK and Mong fighting online thru blog posts... and then Mong mysteriously disappeared from the blog... i wonder who Disapparated him... is that you KK? maybe if Jundar is reading this he should take some action to show that he hasnt disappeared yet...

Next, lots of people blogged the site so much after key events like JTS and STJ and da tuan bai and etc, that the blog had about 5 entries per day... Those were the times... but where are these people today? Please come back and blog ok? Please? Thank you...

And i heard from kk that he's reaching his centenial issue (though i seriously disagree with him, he cant be 100 yrs old to be reaching his centenial issue, anyway look how long NUS took to have a centenial anniversary, so long wait KK!), or in my opinion is his 100th issue... he's going to dominate the blog la... almost 1/3 of the posts are his lor... sigh... maybe i should rename this to kk's blog huh (even though he has one liao)

Next, im going to talk about changes to blog AGAIN... sigh i dont have much else to talk about, see ppl, you have to blog more to have more things to talk about... i guess some ppl saw the scrolling announcements huh... i guess that's a gd improvement to the blog huh? anyway that's quite a small change, and big changes never appear obviously... actually the scrolling announcements are not a gd thing to your com, they only look nice, because they eat up all your processor, make your com lag and etc... my com is lagging as i type this... hope your com can take it ...

ok that's about all, i dont think i got much more to say, dont want to bore the few ppl who are reading the blog off to sleep... and...

That's All Folks!

PS: People who read the blog can you please leave some traces behind? thanks! You will help to liven up this place...