"This is Mohawk 1. Objection sighted. House heavily guarded with 3 Tanks. Requesting artillery bombardment and air support. Do you read?"
"This is Eagle 1. Request accepted. ETA 2 mins. Over."

Sergeant Wong peered from the side of his Bionix Infantry Fighting Vehicle at the Target, wondering whether he had requested too much support. A full fledged artillery bombardment with air support seemed like overkill... But oh well... for the safety of my men it must be done...

Somewhere far from the frontlines, Sergeant Lee calibrated the turret of his Primus, the world's only self-propelled Howitzer, aiming straight at the Target. He waited for the signal...

"Eagle 1 to Thunder 1. You have go for bombardment."
"Thunder 1 to Eagle 1. Roger on that"

*Boom Boom Boom*
3 high powered shells were propelled out of the 3 Primuses, heading straight for the Target with deadly aim...

Simultaneously, 2 Chinook transport helicopters surged towards the vicinity of the Target and dropping off their Light Strike Vehicles, who's drivers promptly gunned their engines, charging towards the rendezvous point... 2 Super Puma Helicopters were on standby...

Sergeant Wong eyed the Target with anticipation. Not many can stop the might of the SAF, especially not these renegades... The unmistakeable whistle of approaching artillery shells could be heard as the battle group prepared to move out. 3 loud explosions rocked the target area, taking out 2 of the tanks and damaging another.

"GO GO GO! Shoot to kill!"

The 2 Light Strike Vehicles burst forth from their hiding places and began firing their mounted machineguns at the House. A Matador rocket (Singapore's self developed personnal anti-tank rocket) was launched, blasting the damaged tank to scrap metal. 2 Bionix Infantry Fighting Vehicles charged out, firing rounds of machinegun fire and armour-piercing rounds at the Target, blasting holes in the House. The backdoor of the Bionix opened and disgorged their infantry, moving towards their target in formation, hopping from barricade to barricade.

Sergeant Wong swiftly led his men close to the target. He hand-signalled 2 men to go forth to stake out the house. They approached the house with caution, their SAR-21 rifles set to automatic fire and ready for combat. On reaching the gate, they gave the all-clear to come forth. The platoon broke cover and moved swiftly and stealthily towards the House.

Gun shots rang out from the house at that point.
"Man down! Man down! Medic! Medic!"
Ignoring those words, the rest of the men stormed the House, hurtling a few grenades through the windows. Deafening explosions rang out and Sergeant Wong kicked the door open and charged straight into the House, systematically searching for surviving renegades. Those surviving were promptly dealt with.

"This is Mohawk 1. Target Captured. Objective Achieved. I repeat. Target Captured. Objective Achieved."
"Eagle 1 to Mohawk 1. Well done Sergeant. That was a great show. Congratulations. Your men did well."

A smile broke across his face as Mohawk 1 assembled and ran towards the front of the grand stand to loud applause... A great Show indeed.

PS This is the Military Defence Assault on a Fake Target shown at the Carnival@Marina. I went there today to watch my brother do his precision drill routine, happened to catch a glimpse of Singapore's Military in (albeit mock) action. I imagined the soldiers in First Perspective and came up with this... Some parts of the show reported were originally not there but added for better effect. Hope you all liked it! Haha =D Cya and take care!