well jus came back frm the cls outing celebrating sam n min hao's bdaes. haha i totally forgot to wish sam a happy belated bdae so here it is: HAPPY BELATED BDAE SAM!! lol =)

yea ok well today approx 11 ppl went (highest no. in one point in time). me, sam and zi yang (lol), min hao, zi ying, cr, abel, jona (left at 5 pm during the movie to go to work), nana, clara and yi ling (last 3 left b4 the movie). yupz ok well firstly i reached at city hall mrt at abt 2 pm. at first it seemed tt there was totally no one there. then min hao popped out of no where and jona arrived on the next mrt. followed by cr and abel. so we waited. and waited. and waited until we were told to go to raffles city shopping centre by cr. apparently tt was wrong and the order changed to go to suntec city. went thru city link mall jus to get to suntec city. we had to look for Mango to find the other girls. it was like walking frm one end of suntec to the other (which was really what happened i think) jus to get from city link mall to Mango. there we met clara, yi ling and zi ying who was waiting outside the shop. luckily me and jona was clever enuf to reach the shop late or else we would have gone into the shop (like cr, min hao and abel =) ) to look for them. yea well after tt went to the cinema to look for sam and zi yang. apparently they have already taken the initiative to have lunch themselves, so us kind citizens of sg decided to look for something else to do.

star factory arcade was the closest to the cinema so we went in to check it out. jona took on the challenge of the machine drummania. it was something like ddr jus tt u do it with a fake drum. gotta admit he was quite gd. managed to score quite high (in my opinion) in the game (well considering he is a percussionist). after tt i challenged jona to a few games of virtua soccer. haha i lost 4 out of 5 games i think.. first game i lost to a solitary goal cos i was totally unfamiliar with the game. subsequently we all played out 0-0 draws tt went to penalties. somehow i lost 3 of the 4 penalty shootouts. either jona was brilliant or i whacked with too much power. the only penalty shootout i won was very interesting. we both scored at the same kicks and saved/missed at the same kicks. then after the first 5 penalties we jus kept scoring until i reckon approx the 15-20th kick then jona whacked the ball over the bar while i scored. haha my solitary victory =)

yupz after tt was the movie at 4 pm. Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. a book i jus finished reading, or rather a part of the whole series. well zi yang and sam did us a kind favour by allowing us to have a different perspective of the film, looking at the film from the front seat. and i really mean front seat. we were practically star-gazing when we were watching at the film. ouch my neck still hurts =( yes the film was indeed very gd, with some scenes added to the film and some scenes dragged out. it follows the book very closely, with me being able to recite the exact lines the character was abt to say. haha shant spoil the fun for those who havent watch. simple advice - go watch it!!! and of course choose seats tt is nt in front... lol =) we had nt much choice cos the cinema was packed..

oh well after tt everyone decided to go home except for me cr and abel who went for dinner. subway at raffles city shopping centre. after tt a short visit to hmv and off to home.

ouch my neck jus gave me another reminder.