Heyz Everbody!!!! Its time for KK Blog Flash once again! Dedicated to the Astounding performance by APOLLO!!!! as well as a Heroic Group called Fruit n Vegetable Cult... =) Thus a Yellow and Green Edition!!!

Well well... i'll go straight to the point now! Apollo SWEPT 6 of the 8 awards!!!! Yay!! Celebrations everyone! Gotta admit the play was really very good... Too bad only a handful went... Also very sad that i didnt bring my digicam... Could have gotten some interesting photos...

HERE's the specifics of the awards!

BEST ACTRESS APOLLO (Head Warden, dunno exact name)
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS APOLLO (Head Warden's daughter, also a warden)

Well, time for me to give the main geist of each of the plays!

First up was Artemis! But oops, they didnt win anything... Well it was basically a story of love and not treasuring those close to you. The class punks led by Lee or sth, always picks on Lee's friend of a long time Kat, the class mugger. Apparently Kat has a crush on Lee but isnt able to voice it out. As the story progresses, Lee gets a gf in the form of the class cool girl Lizzie. But Kat migrates to India close to the end of the play, leaving Lee a book with a note in it. Its only then that he realises how bad he had been to Kat. But apparently he didnt open the book at all even after 3 yrs (which is the final scene). So he doesnt know anything about the note. That scene was basically about him regretting all that he had done and expressing his helplessness at not being able to contact Kat. The play ends with Lizzie showing her "evil" side by crushing up the note in the book with contempt which Lee left behind.

The literary side of me tells me that this play was a bit messy. A lot of scene changes that led to much frantic backstage crew scrambles that were super audible. Although it was quite commendable that they managed to change the scenes quite fast, but the plot and characters were not fully developed and much was lacking in the ending. I was expecting a satisfactory resolution to the Kat-Lee problem but all i got was just a ending in the middle of nowhere.

Next up was Athena! Quite an interesting play filled with mystery and unexpected turns. Its basically a story of three actors (which gave the play its name Three) who take turns to collaborate amongst themselves to give experiences to the third person in the group so as to benefit them in terms of acting experience. Sounds messy? Well see the story for urself to understand. Well at first this guy (cant rmb name so I'll jus call him Daniel) and Serene collaborates to "kill" the third actor (Phylis i think). But it turns out that Phylis was "killed" in the process by the supposingly unloaded gun. Serene panics but Daniel feints being dumb. He leaves to check out a noise, leaving Serene to clear up the scene. At this moment, Phylis "awakes" from feinting death and tranquilised Serene. Daniel returns to drink wine with Phylis. But this time, Daniel is the one that gets into trouble. The drugged wine knocked out Daniel, only for him to awaken later in a scene set to frame him as the killer of Serene. With the police on the way, Daniel dealt with the problems and the police effectively. It was as the police was leaving then Phylis and Serene returned. The play ends with Daniel drawing a dagger which preceded a blackout, and ending with a bloodcurdling scream. Sounds confusing? Well you can visualise it better if you were there... because you dont need to visualise it! Haha =)

Well actually this play is my personal favourite after Apollo's! It sure kept me on my toes throughout the drama feste. It made use of many theatre techniques well like the tableau as well as well-timed blackouts to add more suspense. Certainly a play of high literary value! Which is why it won the Best Script award! However, i feel that such plays dont really work well in a school setting as students usually go for such events for some laughs... and this play was simply too serious for the setting.

Next up was the play by Ares! A play set in India or something like that, it was about a daughter who was discarded in the forest being matchmade to suitors by her authoritarian queen mother who picked her up. But apparently Prava (daughter's name) fell for one of them that has nothing much to offer to her queen mother. So this leads to the conflict between mother and daughter. This also leads to Prava killing the top candidate in her mother's eyes. But the queen mother refuses to allow Prava to marry that guy, but after much pleading, the queen mother decides to test that guy's love for Prava. But it turned out to be a ploy to get that guy to take poison to kill himself. Thus as a result, the play ends with Prava stabbing herself in the abdomen.

Personally, i kind of liked this play but not as much as the one by Athena and Apollo. I agree with the judges that the queen mother and Prava were well acted by their respective actresses. The dresses were uniquely Indian. Also i felt right from the start that the male lead had too much make up on his face! Made his face look very rosy and lips too thick and red! Haha... =)

Finally the star of the show! The Play by Apollo! Basically about 3 prisoners (siamese twins Bill and Will, a priest and Bobbert) and 3 wardens. Its quite a long story but to cut it short, its mainly a quest for Bobbert to find love, the priest to enlighten the Head Warden and Bill and Will seeking peace. This leads to Bobbert finding love in the Head Warden's daughter. Also, Will, the homisidal half of the twins, gets enlightened by one of the wardens. But in the process, his brother releases all his anger because of the countless times Will had done things against his will, leading to a killing spree, with all 3 prisoners being victims. The Story ends with the Wardens finding such a tragic scene.

I liked this play a lot because of the countless humourous jokes thrown into the eqn. Also there were many musical parts that involved singing. The lyrics were well thought of and were very humourous too! :D The acting was quite well done with the spirit of the characters being brought out. I particularly liked the part where Bobbert and whos-that-name warden were having counselling. Lots of wrong responses and rewinds which were very funny! Haha... But i felt that part may have had too many rewinds, almost threatened to irritate the audience. The play showed well the transition of cynism from Will to Bill, who's bitterness at the end of the play was well brought out with direct comparisons with actions Will had done to earn them their place in the prison. But ultimately I felt the audience never really expected such an ending as throughout the play, Will had been the more rude and angry half of the siamese twins. Moreover, the scenes between the wardens and Bobbert/Priest gave the audience hope of a happy ending despite such a bleak setting. Perhaps these scenes served to enhance the feeling of loss and tragic irony at the end of the play where all was undone due to the strong bitterness within Bill.

And time for the surprise highlight of the show! The fruit and vegetable cult! Haha... Its the name of a teenage music group of JC students from various JCs (they claim) dedicated to the propagation of vegetables and fruits! Haha... the songs they play are so funny! Fruits and vegetables like sweet potatoes, peas, durians, chikus, mangosteens, bananas were sung about! Haha... so funny =)! I particularly found the one on bananas and sweet potatoes super funny! The way the singer sang it was super funny! Hahahahaha... Laughing as i blog... =) I feel they must be very brave to go to various JCs to perform because they sure made a laughing stock out of themselves! But quite a commendable effort! The music was good but the singing covered it up so you practically cannot hear the flute and violin... They even sang Happy Birthday songs to two people, and gave one of them a bag of peas and the other something i couldnt identify.... =)

Haha... thats the end of yet another SUPERB issue of KK Blog Flash! The Chief Editor cum Photojournalist expresses deep regret at not bringing a digicam along and also hopes that everyone understood all the literary terms used... Haha... Took Lit Elective for 'O's you know... And with that we can conclude that....

APOLLO ROX!!!!!!!!!