Heyzzz Everyone! The KK Blog Flash Chief Editor returns after a period of rest! Time to freshen up this blog =)! Its time to paint the blog yellow!

Well well, this week has been not very eventful! With much of the action occurring on monday (vday), the rest of the week spent of catching up with homework and coping with ccas! So I'll talk a bit about Vday since nobody seems to be talking about it! (although that has passed for quite a while already... =) )

First of all, hope that you all had fun opening all your presents and a BIG thank you from me to everyone that gave me something! Special mention goes to PIN YUN!!! Thankx for the cool Gundam Astray model! Must have cost you quite some $... Makes me feel very guilty for not giving ya something... :( Also thanks to my angel and mortal!!! Guan Lin and Foony respectively!! Great gifts! Hope you all like what i gave both of you =).

That day we also went for dinner, for the dateless people... Haha... at the Curry Wok at the Coronation Arcade! Well actually only a few people went... Namely sam, zi yang, clara, me, xinhui, jona, kezia and pin yun! Well me sam, zi yang and clara played heart attack while waiting for the food... which made me realised how slow my rxns were... lost the game... must be because i was super tired that day... Haha =) Well the food was passable (not say very special or something =) ), but we enjoyed everyone's crapping over dinner, especially jona (although i think he needs to polish up his table manners... :D )

Haiz... nowadays people are getting very busy... me too... Have to cope with Homework coming thick and fast as well as CCAs... For me at guitar its quite pressurising to learn something new that im not used to... >_< Haha... need to preservere and start by memorising which fret gives me wad note!!! =)

Well thats it for a short KK Blog Flash Edition! May be soothing winds of comaraderie ensure the continued burning of our Class Spirit!!! Your Chief Editor signing off...

Class Spiritometer : A steady heat at Super Hot...