heya everyone!! now me, zi yang, jona, yunwei, kk, pin yun, yan ling, CR, jun dar, HH, xin hui are all now at KK's house, the last stop of the day!! pizza's on its way!! whee and kk is performing organ...sooo pro!!! haha like surround sound now...and umm haha SOME pple are gambling away....and SOME people won alot of money!! haha ...some people who had to leave early are clara, kezia, jin guan.... okok this is what happened today...

we went to zi yang's house!! and he lives in a don't know what ... den i met my mother, father, and sister in laws!! haha very nice peeps...next we saw some pictures!! that i guess KK will upload soon! Yun wei says she has nothing to say..Zi Yang says he loves his wives!! and Yunwei says her name is one word and not two words... Zi Yang says his name is two words and not one word...lame and then this is where the gambling started..on zi yang's bed!! with his dolphin, wombat, ivysaur, clefable/clefairy and a long long green tea(snake from ikea) and a HUGE la bi xiao xin....ok now Zi Yang is demanding to play uh mack warrior? i think so...yep and table soccer and ps2...a cute lil skeleton , he performed magic blablaba fun-filled!! oh...but i lost a lot of money... :( but Zi Yang does not think its fun-filled..now he shall type something..i love my lao po, they are the best. Our family rocks!!!!!!!! yup that was him..aww... Now Yunwei will type something.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! mushy mushy!!!! :( eeee! hahaha sore eyes! Yeah and she has left the house to chase birds!!!!! in my three inch heels! hahahaha! Oh yar!! we went to the reservoir and threw stones whuch included a family stone which we wrote our names on it, david included and we missed two buses!!!!!!

Next we went to yunwei's house. AND WE HAD SOOO MUCH FUNNNN!!! then we were screaming away while playing heart attack!! it was suppperrr duperrrr funn!! haha nxt time shld play as a class.. hehx.oh yaRRR! MICKEY MOUSE!!! it is david no. 2.. haha. they dont want david liaosss. patpat. haha. too bad david it was so much cuter than you!!!yepss. it's now yunwei and jona's son!! MIKE!! (pronounced as michael).. yeps.haha!!yea.they say yunwei's hse's super good for gambling.. cos they all won lots of $$$$$!!! hehx. erms. xh and kk won 40 cents each, jona won 2 bucks and chengrong won plenty la..haha. tt banker.. somehow he jus kept winning laas.haha.tt ahgong of mine..haha!!so nxt time shld ask him to treat ALL of uss.. muahahaha. share his winnings....hehx.haiyo jus super funn la.haha. wonder how come the rest of the class are not herrreeee.. boohoooo. haha. the more the merrier!!! ok!! Sam cut in here ...we played a nother version of heart attack!! haha and realised that SOME of us are quite slooooow...haha including me..

next. sam's house.. err what did we do there? we saw sam's baby photos!! so cuteeeeeeee!!!! :) :) :) hm and then sam's house very very nice la.. it's so clean everywhere until it's reflective.. hahah.. can see your own reflection in the floor.. :) hm and then sam and clara cooked instant noodles for all of us! and chicken wings! so nice.. *hugs* xinhui also helped! yay.. thanks sam, clara and xinhui! heh btw the instant noodles and chicken wings quite nice.. :D yummy.. haha. *hungry!* we are waiting for dinner.. and hm i don't know what to blog about anymore so shall pass over to yan ling.. this is yunwei btw.. haha.. previous paragraph was written by yun.. :) yes this is Zi Yang's wife complaining! He got bullied by my sec sis and mama at heart attack! they smack his hand till it became red and pushed his hand away! so mean!!! ;p

ok so now we move on to kk's house...aniwae... this is yan ling hor.... yeah me and jun dar turned up super late lohz... sorry ppl for makin u all wait for us..... can smell e pizzas now... yummy! actually we haven't really done much so far except gamble?! and play the organ.... and dance and watch tv and jump around.... now i am eating pizza and blogging at the same time.... this pin yun ah.... have to pass me the pizza at this moment... oh we just downloaded 'lose my breath'.... going to dance later... yeah!

Mong here - Cheif Editior of HEADLINES!!!!
Ooooooo... going to dance later... haha... so farnie... Aiyah....actually didnt want to come one lorz budden i felt so guilty so i came here in the end wif the oso guilt-stricken yanling lorz...hahaz... was buying v. day gifts juz now...now buy finish liaoz... congratulate me!!!!!!! haha..so thick skinned... hahahahahaha. Now the gifts are in the bloomsburg plastic bag...very scared later ppl go and steal their prezzie lorz...c now yanling call me "siao" i very sad liaoz.... oooooo the song download finish liaoz....ahhhhhhhh it is blasting in front of my face...going to be deaf very soon lorz....stupid pinyun deleted my message juz now... c lar hav to retype everything again..... people are dancing *woot* hahahaha...let's go mad today!!!!!!