First of all, must apologise to those seniors who i did not personally announce to them that the jts was cancelled. Sorry for my carelessness, it won't happen again. Must forgive me, ok?

Ok, come to the highlight of today. Actually it is the only major event I participated today because it took up my whole day! Yes, you guessed it, it's the every-saying da tuan bai! And, it's definitely a thrilling and incredible journey going around the whole of Singapore. Haha, what do i mean? It simply means we've travelled from one end of Singapore to the other. I shall now give you a summary of where we've been. Read on to find out more. First, we started with Zi Yang's house and that is in the east of Singapore! Ok, and i live in the most of us spent time in the morning Bedok MRT station. Next, we went to Yun Wei's house and that's in Jurong. Where's Jurong? It's in the west! Wow, so we took MRT there. Luckily, the next stop is Sam's house which is considered quite near...also in Jurong too. Haha. Finally, we ended up in KK's house which is in Amg Mo Kio. Haha, that's near the north centre of Singapore. Not bad, to sum up, we've walked through the whole of Singapore....haha.

Coming to the details of today's fabulous trip around Singapore, I shall first start with Zi Yang's house. Oh yeah, I haven't introduced to you the people who have joined in this trip...they are:
Me, Yun Wei, Zi Yang, Samantha, Kezia, Pin Yun, Xin Hui, Kah Kiat, Jona, and Jin Guan. Yes, these are the ten people who went Zi Yang's house. Zi Yang's house is facing the Bedok reservoir and thus it's very windy over there. You know, the convectional currents causing the air to move to create winds. Yeah, I'm crapping and so the scenery there is beautiful and the air feels fresh. Inside his house, we decided to play blackjack, ps2 and other stupid games. Haha...did I gamble...erm...not very sure...ask the others to find out...haha. Later, we went down to the reservoir to enjoy more of the fresh air. Haha...realy windy there and my imagination goes wild again...what about having a class MTV? Haha, that's what I have in mind now. And, we have the resources for doing that. Minhao knows videoing, Paul knows dancing, and we have the whole bunch of enthusisatic people to act out our very own MTV. The theme? I thought of an Indain know that kind whereby everybody dances...haha...should be fun to act out in such a MTV. Any opinions?

Second stop: Yun Wei's house. Erm, the same thing, blackjack was played. Well, it's an exciting and simple game which you can play whenever and wherever you go, you see. So, it's quite popular. Haha. Besides that, the scenery there is cool too. You could see a lot of greeneries which is rather a rare sight in Singapore nowadays. Yeah, so it's good for the eyes. Haha, being crappy again. Well, Clara came during this time while Jin Guan left. So, the number still remains at ten. Also, Ziyang came up with a new idea of playing heartattack and i think it was rather an interesting games to play. However, sometimes, blackjack seems to be irresitable.

Third stop: Samantha's house. A house with no it make you think we'll something bad? Nope, haha, on the other hand, we didn't gamble there at all! Why, no idea too...maybe too tired and bored by it already...haha. And, I've not mentioned much about eating yet because we have not eaten anything till this time. Haha. Sam and Clara and Yun Wei and i think some of the girls cook instant noodles for us. Even though, eating such a high-carbo and low nutritional food during Chinese New Year doesn't seem to be a good idea. But, who cares anyway, our stomachs need to be satisfied somehow. So, that's our lunch for the day. I also did another glitter tattoo over there...a special one because it's 05s7B. Haha, just a few days before school, but never mind. Samrt people always hide things under their sleeves. that's what I did--hid the tattoo under my sleeve. Safe and secured there. Haha, smart?

Fourth Stop: Initially should be my house but I sacrificied it for the sake of eating pizzas in KK's house. Ok, so that was a major sacrifice as I have Mahjong at home....erm..never mind. So, we went to KK's house and what did we do? Blackjack again? If you're thinking of that, you're right on the spot! haha, so as i said blackjack has its own charm...fine I'm not a gambler, believe me..I'm serious.Oh, and by this time, our dear orgainser, Clara went off and Mong, Yanling and HauangHao came along. Well, so these people went KK's house about 7 i think and he ordered pizzas as he had promised us. Furthermore, we did wonderful things in KK's house. One of the most active place among all. We were very enthusiatic about singing all the Hwa Chong College songs....haha we very loyal to HCI....and we wanted to dance the mass dances and fac dance. So, see councillors, we are so supportive of you. Ok, so we danced the mass dances and we managed to find all the songs on the hci webpage. Not bad, so we danced and danced. Then, lose my breathe and Come baby Come were our fac. dance. Apollo really rocks especially with all of us inside it. HAiz, when will the fac, dance sompetition results be out? Do they want a recompetition. Come on, we take the challenge...we're sure to win any fac. dance competition. Haha, so boastful....Ok, so we danced until we're tired. Yes rather tiring for my muscles are aching know, because of lactic acid production in your muscle cells leading to fatique and whatever crap. Yes, it's crap again. Fine, then we sang songs. And, we recored it down on Sam's mp3. Cool! Now, we have become part-time singers for HCI. they want us in the first place...because frankly speaking, we could not have produced wonderful music right, or else why are we still here? Haha, ok, so if you're listening through this blog or any other places, pls don't laugh beacuse it's done by us. Because we have made such huge sacrifices for our voices to be exposed to the whole wide world. Must applaude for us, ok? What songs did we sing. You name it we have it. No lah, just kidding...there's "when you're lonely, who will you think of?", "Sing a song for Hwa Chu" and many more. So, You must BUY the mp3 of the new pop singing group-------THE TEN. We're gonna win the grammy awards which are coming up on next Monday. So, please support us. Protect copyright, STOP PIRACY. Must buy from us our mp3 you know, don't anyhow download from the net even though we know it shall be the most popular downloaded album on net. But, you know, help us to stop piracy. It KILLS OUR CREATIVITY. Sorry, this is CR's crapping again for the final time i hope.

Yes, i haven't talked about what happened during all our rides throughout Singapore. They are equally interesting as our visits to each house. SO, if you want to know all the details it will take up another huge space which i believe my dear readers will skip it. Thus, in order to prevent my efforts from being wasted, I shall be very consise and succinct now. I am trying to all the time you know, but entertainment is much more important...oh are you entertained? I think not. Ok, to cut things short. The rides were as interesting as the visits. Wow, does this help you to get a better idea? Haha, no? Ok, so we talked sang and crapped throughout out trips. There are times when we tried to learn magic tricks on MRT and times when we sang and posed on MRT. We posed? Well, i think the pictures will be uploaded soon so stay tuned to find our more. Check it out man. We nearly nearly did a fac. dance on the MRT....haha, but very embarrassing so decided to abondon the idea.

I think that's what the main thing is about. However, words can never fully expressed whatwe've enjoyed. So, the morale of the story is: PLEASE DO COME FOR CLASS OUTINGS AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN BECAUSE ONCE YOU MISSED IT, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE IT BACK.Aw......

Fine, even of crapping and prawning, i shall say my last few words now.....:
I love 05s7b...